Safari and php pages

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Is there any reason that Safari consistently loads web pages with php extensions much slower than other pages? Any fixes?


  • Reply 1 of 5
    No reason at all. Remember, php pages are processed on the server. By the time Safari sees them, they are regular HTML (or whatever else) pages.

    Your slowdown is probably, as I just mentioned, due to the server taking longer to generate and send you the page rather than Safari taking longer to render it.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    Yeah something must be pretty screwed up in the configuration or the markup itself to cause a slowdown on PHP pages. Is this just one site? One server? It would take some pretty bad scripting to cause a noticeable difference in PHP vs. non-PHP pages...
  • Reply 3 of 5
    mcsjgsmcsjgs Posts: 244member
    It is most, not all sites. See for a particularly slow load (4-5 seconds). Here on Appleinsider, I don't see any noticeable slowdown OTOH.
  • Reply 4 of 5

    Originally posted by mcsjgs

    It is most, not all sites. See for a particularly slow load (4-5 seconds). Here on Appleinsider, I don't see any noticeable slowdown OTOH.

    That's not a php problem, that's a server problem. There's no reason it should be that slow. As Brad said, php means nothing to the client computer. The server does the work and sends the html to the browser. My site is all php and there's absolutely no noticable slowdown.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    mcsjgsmcsjgs Posts: 244member
    Thanks for clearing that up for me.
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