Converting 'mbox's to .pst formats

in Mac Software edited July 2015
I know there are ways of moving MS .pst files INTO but is there any (easy) way of going the other way? don't worry, I'm not 'switching-back' I just need to send some poor Outlook user about 8,000 emails in a format they can read.

Thanks in advance.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    Have you tried importing the box with entourage, part of the Office suite? I'm not saying it will work, but you never know. However, Entourage doesn't seem to list as one of its importable applications. So. You might check out Eudora if it does. There is a free eudora version for os x, as well as for Windows, I reckon.
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