analog microphone issue
I have a Dual 1.25 MDD with an analog input jack running Jaguar 10.2.8. I have an analog mic. I can't get the analog mic to work. I've selected "line in" in system preferences.
Am I missing something? I know for a while there were no analog input jacks on the older G4s...
Can someone give me a little help?
Am I missing something? I know for a while there were no analog input jacks on the older G4s...
Can someone give me a little help?
Originally posted by Ebby
What kind of Mic is it. Some old computer mics have non-standard plugs.
I have two actually, one is the old Appler mic from an old G3 tower, the new one is a Plextor analog mic. Both have the same minijack plug.
Originally posted by Ebby
I used a microphone that had an extended audio plug that I don't think would work with a MDD. (It looks close but needs a special plug) It might be quiet not off. You could try to increase the gain in the sound control panel. (Under input) "Line in" and "Mic in" settings have a signal varience of 4db
tried that but it doesn't show any signal at all