Brad, :):) is making me :$&#@ :$&#@!
Brad, did you remove the Microsoft thread? If so, I'm at you. Generally I like you, but this is crossing the line. I kind of understand your removal of my windoze circumvent thread, but the Microsoft thread contained plenty of material that didn't mention how to circumvent the censorship tool. Bring it back, or at least the parts that don't tell you how to circumvent!
What kind of important discussion, exactly, did that thread bring about?
i really think that this is something that needs to be examined...
Originally posted by Brad
No can do. Once gone, it's gone.
What kind of important discussion, exactly, did that thread bring about?
Oh well. Why, exactly, did you delete the entire thread?
Originally posted by Clayton Magnet
Keep that shit to PM, loser.
Hmmm. I got angry. It seemed like deleting them just to delete them. And how come Brad's censorship tool doesn't block 'shit'? If it's gonna block Win-doze, why doesn't it block shit?
Originally posted by Paul
no, this is something that i have been noticing a lot lately... deleted threads just for the sake of deleting threads...
i really think that this is something that needs to be examined...
This is the only incident in a long time of a thread being deleted. If you have questions or think others have, please PM me.