I need some help from a kind (US) soul
So I reported about my new iBook before, and mentioned that one of the rubber feet was missing or had gone missing very shortly after my purchase. Now. The problem is the following: I'm being given the runaround here (if that's the word). AppleCare's sending me to a local repair center, who are sending me to another repair center, who are sending me to AppleCare, who are sending me to the distributer, who are sending me to shop that sold it to me, who don't know what to do.
Meanwhile, I'm wobbling along on this lovely new computer, its limp makng my proud heart bleed.
Yet, I read (in the iBook forum on MacNN) that in Apple Stores (the US Apple-owned kind) rubber feet are handed over to customers rather easily. So I was wondering: is one of you US citizens willing and/or able to have a go at it? I'd need only one. One rubber foot for an iBook G4 933 MHz. Please? And then send it over? Imagine the amount of karma that will be yours. If you could just get me one rubber foot.
<wailing moan>Please!</wailing moan>
Thanks for listening.
Meanwhile, I'm wobbling along on this lovely new computer, its limp makng my proud heart bleed.
Yet, I read (in the iBook forum on MacNN) that in Apple Stores (the US Apple-owned kind) rubber feet are handed over to customers rather easily. So I was wondering: is one of you US citizens willing and/or able to have a go at it? I'd need only one. One rubber foot for an iBook G4 933 MHz. Please? And then send it over? Imagine the amount of karma that will be yours. If you could just get me one rubber foot.
<wailing moan>Please!</wailing moan>
Thanks for listening.
If I go, I promise to try my best to get one of these little feet for your iBook and send it your way.
If I DO go and I DO get one, I'll respond back to this thread to let you know and give you my e-mail so you can get me your shipping/address info...
Can't promise I'm even going, but it's looking like 70%...check back on this thread throughout the weekend. If I go, you'll know.
Surely there are others here who are definitely going or are much closer than 125 miles to one who can step up?
Originally posted by CubeDude
You might want to check eBay out. I'm sure that someone's selling those things.
...and making a fortune off the high demand.
While a little more expensive than you may wish to spend, they do ship internationally.
Originally posted by scottiB
While a little more expensive than you may wish to spend, they do ship internationally.
The new iBooks have new feet, sadly enough.
Originally posted by tommy_thompson
Only question is, how much do you think they would cost to ship over there?
I really don't know. For me to ship something that small (should be well below 50 grams... I think) to the US would probably be around two and a half to five bucks. Anyway, I'd be much obliged to you if you'd check it out.
Due to the sudden harddrive cookoff my machine engaged in last Sunday (as described here), and the ensuing repairs Apple was forced to exert on my machine, they had no choice but to put on a new foot. Fine. Problem solved, you'd say? Except: they didn't have new feet, so they put on an older white foot (the others are gray). So now I'll have a multicolored underside to my ibook. Talk about spicing up somewhat sterile mac equipment. So they're still gonna be "looking out" for a foot, but at the same time bluntly told me that missing feet are considered customer abuse and that I should praise the Lord of all things living that I got any foot at all. I guess I'll have to see my machine first. Get reacquainted, regain trust. See if I can live with the foot. Still... I know I'm anal enough to be bothered by this. Not nearly as much as by a dead pixel, of which I've been, praise the Lord and his minions, spared entirely since I wrecked the screen on my Pismo. So. The matter has become much less urgent. Any help (i.e. one new foot or three old, white ones) would still be appreciated by yours truly.
Thanks for listening.
Originally posted by kraig911
do you still need them? I'm going to dallas tomorrow, was going to check out the apple store there.
Well: as I said. Right now, the need is much smaller, though, for equality's sake, I would like to have four of the same feet. That would mean that I'd like to get my hands on either a foot of a new iBook, or three white feet of the older iBooks. Either of both would be great.