My Hard's Invisible!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hey, I've got a QS Powermac running 10.2.8. I ride this machine hard all day and I've never had a problem with it...

But the other day I was having problems backing up some OS X files (permissions and all) and I got frustrated and booted in OS 9 for the first time.

After I was done backing up the files, I tried to boot into OS X no avail. The "startup disk" control panel couldn't see my OS X system folder. Finally I was able to return by booting off another OS X partition on a Firewire drive, then selecting my hard drive...

So when I loaded my install of OS X...the main hard drive was now invisible! Everything still seems to work reasonably normally...but the OS X drive doesn't appear on the desktop, and I have no idea how to switch it back. ResEdit doesn't seem to help (and no, the volume doesn't have a . in front it its name).

Any suggestions?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Repair permissions on the drive. Restart.

    If the problem persists, run a file system check on the drive (restart the computer holding cmd+s, then type fsck -y or fsck -yf if your disk is journaled).

    If that reveals incorrigible errors, address a more advanced disk utility (Diskwarrior 3 or TechToolPro 4).

    If that reveals incorrigible errors, run the hardware test that came with the machine.

    If that reveals incorrigible errors, start panicking!

    EDIT: does the entire drive not appear, or just the icon (meaning there would be the name of the drive nonetheless). If the latter, it may just be a flaky Finder, solveable by deleting caches and stuff like that.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    Genius bar!


    It might help also if you read the FAQ thread in the Genius Bar. There may be some suggestions for you there.

    BTW, did you check the Finder's Preferences to make sure drives are enables to show on the desktop?
  • Reply 3 of 4
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    you didn't happen to put a . in front of the HD name, did you?

  • Reply 4 of 4
    it might also help to go the finder prefs and where is says show these items on the desktop, click on the button hard disk. it works for me


    Originally posted by Gizzmonic

    Hey, I've got a QS Powermac running 10.2.8. I ride this machine hard all day and I've never had a problem with it...

    But the other day I was having problems backing up some OS X files (permissions and all) and I got frustrated and booted in OS 9 for the first time.

    After I was done backing up the files, I tried to boot into OS X no avail. The "startup disk" control panel couldn't see my OS X system folder. Finally I was able to return by booting off another OS X partition on a Firewire drive, then selecting my hard drive...

    So when I loaded my install of OS X...the main hard drive was now invisible! Everything still seems to work reasonably normally...but the OS X drive doesn't appear on the desktop, and I have no idea how to switch it back. ResEdit doesn't seem to help (and no, the volume doesn't have a . in front it its name).

    Any suggestions?

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