Want to move to Safari
I want to move to Safari from IE.
My problem: Safari automatically imports IE (among others) bookmarks the first time it is launched. But it won't do this after the first launch. Was just gonna ask if it will work to delete Safari App and then download again from apple.com. Then when I launch for the first time, my (extensive) IE bookmark library will show up in Safari. Yay or nay?
My problem: Safari automatically imports IE (among others) bookmarks the first time it is launched. But it won't do this after the first launch. Was just gonna ask if it will work to delete Safari App and then download again from apple.com. Then when I launch for the first time, my (extensive) IE bookmark library will show up in Safari. Yay or nay?
Or if you're adventurous and enable the Debug menu for Safari, there are options for importing bookmarks there.
Alternatively, TinkerTool will tell Safari to reimport bookmarks the next time it's launched.
Like, loads of times faster than IE! And Tabs... I hear there is some fuss about these things. I think they're awesome! Like turning the pages of a book to switch between diffeent sites. Oh man - and I tried to find some good in Page Holder. HA!
Thanks Brad for the tip. I used TinkerTool to import my preferences. Was easy as.
Oooooh. All the ickle buttons in AI look juuuust right in Safari.
It really does require quite a change in mindset to Switch. I always try and do things the hardway because of my Windows background. Dragging and dropping to install something seems like it just can't work. Surely I have to open several windows and cut and paste and restart and... Surely to change a preference I have to search between myriad collapsable menus and in this window and that and...
The interface of Safari is so minimal, yet, at the moment, I can't think of anything that is missing. Working with it for a while I'm sure will bring up some niggles (like incompatibility with some sites?), but I really am on an Apple High at the moment!!
can it send a page like IE orNetscape without cut/paste?
how do you turn off those animations--ads are a major distraction
Originally posted by NOFEER
SAFARI and panther??
can it send a page like IE orNetscape without cut/paste?
how do you turn off those animations--ads are a major distraction
No idea if it can "send a page," in fact I'm not sure what you mean by this exactly. You could select text from a page, then go to the Safari menu, use the Services submenu, and use the Mail submenu and choose "Send Selection."
To get rid of ads, just download PithHelmet from MacUpdate.com or VersionTracker.com. PithHelmet blocks ads. And if you see an ad you want to block, just right click on it and select "Block images from (server address)" and the ad will disappear. It'll also let you set how many times animated GIFs should play - constantly, once, or never.
i'm getting tired of safari. i want more controls etc, so more and more in firebird here..