DVD-ROM Features (or lack thereof)

in General Discussion edited January 2014
These days, there isn't much much (if any validity) to the statement: "there's so much you can do on a PC that you can't do on a Mac." However, there is one major slap-in-the-face to those of us who use macs: DVD_ROM features. I think that every DVD I own that has DVD_ROM content has some fine print on the back of the case that says "DVD_ROM material not available on Apple Macintosh computers." Now, sometimes, it says that, but it isn't entirely true. On the Matrix DVD for instance, a lot of the extras are in HTML format, so you just have to go looking for it on the disk, as opposed to being able to run whatever little .exe they have to get things started for you. Also, I saw one DVD Recently, it may have been Matrix:Reloaded, but I can't remember, that said "to access DVD-ROM Content on an Apple Macintosh computer, go to http://something-something-something" In general though, We Mac users (except those with Virtual PC) are missing out on a lot of the material on those DVDs we buy. We're paying the same price for the movies as Windows users, so damnit, just put that little extra effort in and give us features we can use.
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