Burninating is failing...

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
My wife is burning some CD-Rs of archival research photos (50MB TIFFs are her norm - oy), and has run into a bizarre situation.

Most of the CDs have been done through the Finder, dragging and dropping until the CD-R is full, then pressing that sweet sweet Burn button, and voila. Works beautifully.

Then she was going to do one that only held 250MB or so, and decided to use Disk Utility. Created a disk image file (660MB in size - I told her this wasn't necessary, that she only needed the amount she was going to burn to disk), loaded it up with the files in the Finder, went back to DU and clicked Burn. She then selected "Make appendable" so she could finish filling it up later.

It seemed to burn, but afterwards the Finder refused to see it, and DU won't mount it.

Any ideas?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    got Toast?

    Finder might be misreading an open session. Toast should see it.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by curiousuburb

    Finder might be misreading an open session. Toast should see it.

    That was my first analysis of it as well, but the fact that DU wouldn't mount it either told me there may be something else going on.

    DU sees the session, and sees the volume title, etc, but the volume title/icon is greyed out. Very odd.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member
    I have a problem sometimes with data CDs burned by toast not mounting. I don't think it's what program you burn it with, rather the way it's burned. I'm thinking that your computer doesn't like the open session and is gonna keep giving you problems. If you have access to an external CD drive try putting it in there and see if it mounts, always works for me.
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