i've just upgraded to panther from 10.2.8 and have noticed something...
when i bought my PB it had 10.2.3 installed. i moved over a lot of folders from my old 6500. some of these folders had labels on them. of course these lables never showed in 10.2.x
but i have just looked and the labels are there. so 10.2.x kept the info but never knew what to do with it.
sorry, its only a little thing but i think its cool!
when i bought my PB it had 10.2.3 installed. i moved over a lot of folders from my old 6500. some of these folders had labels on them. of course these lables never showed in 10.2.x
but i have just looked and the labels are there. so 10.2.x kept the info but never knew what to do with it.
sorry, its only a little thing but i think its cool!
Of course, the down side of this is that we're still limited to eight labels total. Apple has made literally no advancements here. It's the same thirteen-year-old technology, warmed over with, actually, more limitations. Shame, Apple. Shame.
Originally posted by Brad
This is a nice side-effect of Apple using the same HFS metadata byte for OSX's labels. If you ever boot back into OS9 or transfer your labeled files to an OS9 computer, they'll appear with the same label.
Of course, the down side of this is that we're still limited to eight labels total. Apple has made literally no advancements here. It's the same thirteen-year-old technology, warmed over with, actually, more limitations. Shame, Apple. Shame.
you tell 'em Brad
I think as we see 9 slowly go into that good night, and file transferability is less critical, then and only then will a rich metadata system be implemented.
Curse you MacOS 9!
Originally posted by Kickaha
I think as we see 9 slowly go into that good night, and file transferability is less critical, then and only then will a rich metadata system be implemented.
Curse you MacOS 9!
Slowly being the keyword there, OS 9 won't die for a long time. Long after Apple stops making computers that boot into 9. It was a good system, but X mops the floor with it. It's true that some of X's limitations stem from 9 and compatibility issues though. You have to remember that there are still quite a few computers out there that run 9 on a daily basis. I believe that 9 is still more widely used than X. We'll see 9 die someday, but not soon.
Originally posted by DMBand0026
OT, everything you post from here and in other threads recently appears broken. I think you need to find a new host or double-check your URLs.
Originally posted by Brad
OT, everything you post from here and in other threads recently appears broken. I think you need to find a new host or double-check your URLs.
Hostultra is sucking it up majorly lately. It will work for about 48 hours, than not work for 24, than it will be back up for a while, than down again. I can't shell out the money for a .mac subscription right now, so I'm kinda stuck with this. I know the URLs are right because the images show up for a while before they go down, so it has to be Hostultra's fault.
Originally posted by costique
BTW, I find that Panther's implementation of labels sucks, especially that ugly menu item. ...
but nonetheless i'm pretty much used doing labels. but why the f*** they crippled this wunderful feature that way?
why they permitted the icon to change within the label color? i don't get it, i rather don't get it.
Originally posted by costique
BTW, I find that Panther's implementation of labels sucks, especially that ugly menu item. I also find that I have got used to having no labels. These two factors combined prevent me from using labels any more. You should have seen me banging my head against every wall screaming that an OS without labels is not an OS...
Me too...
I like the way the old style of lables worked where they changed your icon color. Why can't we have that as an option in addition to the current label options in 10.3? And, Apple, please give us an option to change the lable colors to whatever we want!
Originally posted by sc_markt
I like the way the old style of lables worked where they changed your icon color. Why can't we have that as an option in addition to the current label options in 10.3? And, Apple, please give us an option to change the lable colors to whatever we want!
Agreed. I use labels a lot, and if you look at them in column mode you have to ware sunglasses ! 8)
Softer or more transparant colors would be much better.