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EU will give flight details to US

in General Discussion edited January 2014
oops. topic title should be "EU will give flight details to US" must have copied/pasted something else with it, sorry

...seems this passed the news readers and it is buried inside most new sites...but the potentials to this new exchange of information needs some discussion.

CNN article here...

Some excerpts:

" The European Commission said it was ready to hand over data about airline passengers with the United States after Washington offered "adequate" privacy safeguards.

The decision ends months of tense talks as the European Union had reacted angrily to initial U.S. demands, saying they would breach the privacy rights of its citizens."

So, this is information that the US will recieve when passengers take off on an flight to the US. Seems in some way logical if we want to know if any terrorist insurgent boards a plane setting to hijack and fly the sucker into a building or set up a terrorist network within the US...


I would guess we have passed laws since 9|11 to check any passenger info ourselves who may be leaving the US?

More excerpts:

"U.S. officials said both sides had given much ground.

"Many thought that our security needs could not coexist with the European Commission privacy laws but we have managed to thread the needle on this arrangement," said Verdery.

Bolkestein said the United States had agreed to bring down the number of personal data that may be subject to 34 from 39 and had agreed to delete all sensitive data, such as information about a passenger's health, race or religion.

He said that the United States had also agreed to limit to three-and-a-half years the storage time of the data, down from an initial request for 50 years.

After three-and-a-half years Brussels and Washington would jointly review the system and readdress it if necessary.

In addition, the United States agreed to use the data only for the fight of terrorism and related crimes and not for ordinary crimes as initially requested.

The United States also offered a mechanism where people could complain if they had a concern about the collection or use of their data."

Boy, the Homeland Security people wanted a lot of leaway in the beginning but seems that EU was smart enough to see that that if the requests that they wanted were would have been too much information...

Still, there will (should) be some discussion on this about the rights of privacy here.

Myself? I still remember the video shots of Muhamed Atta and the crew casually entering this country without a screening or security check. I sure as hell don't want another bunch of fanatical religious retards entering under the same lack of security that we had pre-9|11.

Yet with the way this government cabal has been removing our rights and others rights here and there I wonder if the US has become a little too overbearing...

What do you think.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member

    Originally posted by Artman @_@

    [i]Bolkestein said the United States had agreed to bring down the number of personal data that may be subject to 34 from 39 and had agreed to delete all sensitive data, such as information about a passenger's health, race or religion.

    I think it would be a lot easier to NOT ASK those questions. I don't remember being directly asked about the race or religion, but yes they do ask about the health. That's health racism.

    Sorry, htat sounds just theory, theory .. stuff on paper. Nada mas.
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