External CDRW Drive problems

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in Genius Bar edited January 2014
EDIT: Running OS 10.2.8

After wrangling with the new Archos MiniCDRW I got for Christmas, I have installed all the necessary drivers, but have run into the error that it is not a supported drive. Is there any way around this error?

Secondly, the drive came packaged with Adaptec Toast 4.1.1. Is there any free way to upgrade to an OS X version of Toast?



  • Reply 1 of 3
    Just an idea, but it might help you. Saw it at the English version of macbidouille English version of MacBidouille

    Using iTunes 4.1 with an unsupported writer

    Hope it helps
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  • Reply 2 of 3
    knappaknappa Posts: 106member
    For Jaguar you should probably be looking for this

    iTunes CD-RW Helper
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  • Reply 3 of 3
    Thanks for the reccomendations knappa,

    The Mac Boudille site's method doesn't work with either OS 10.2 or iTunes 4.2; iTunes gave a "not enough memory" error when using that method.

    The iTunes CDRW Helper was unable to detect the drive.

    If you have any other ideas or suggestions, though, I'd really appreciate them.

    Another question, would buying Toast 6 fix the problem?
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