Original Nintendo emulation on the iPod

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Is emulating the NES possible on the iPod? Would it be too complex to do compared to the games that come with it?


  • Reply 1 of 17

    Originally posted by Proud iBook Owner 2k2

    Is emulating the NES possible on the iPod?


    At least not right now.

    For one thing, Apple hasn't realeased an SDK for us to program for the iPod.

    Another small detail is, it's been a while, but as I recall, the NES was colour, the iPod isn't (yet?).

    If Apple released a way for us to program the iPod, I sure someone would come up with something. I doubt emulation would be realistic given the iPod's hardware, but hey, anything's possible.
  • Reply 2 of 17

    Originally posted by Phroggy


    At least not right now.

    For one thing, Apple hasn't realeased an SDK for us to program for the iPod.

    Another small detail is, it's been a while, but as I recall, the NES was colour, the iPod isn't (yet?).

    If Apple released a way for us to program the iPod, I sure someone would come up with something. I doubt emulation would be realistic given the iPod's hardware, but hey, anything's possible.

    OK. And yeah the NES was in color but I'm sure whoever makes the emu for the iPod'll know how to get around that. Thanks for replying lol
  • Reply 3 of 17
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    The best bet, prior to the inevitable opening of the iPod platform, is iPod Linux. The iPod's frame buffer does not support mmap() which is required for X11 to run. So basically, X11 needs to be modified to work around that and if that is done, then you would be able to run an NES or gameboy emulator on the iPod.
  • Reply 4 of 17

    Originally posted by Barto

    The best bet, prior to the inevitable opening of the iPod platform, is iPod Linux. The iPod's frame buffer does not support mmap() which is required for X11 to run. So basically, X11 needs to be modified to work around that and if that is done, then you would be able to run an NES or gameboy emulator on the iPod.

    Hmm.. Once you install iPod Linux onto your iPod does it still function as it normally would? Or would it be ruined.....
  • Reply 5 of 17
    OK well I just checked the iPod Linux site and they say that it only works with the 1st generation models at the moment, or that's how I understood it. Also it doesn't work with the HFS+ file system. It has to be FAT32 aka Windows formatted. That really sucks. I wonder if they'll release the SDK at MWSF next month.... Hmm....
  • Reply 6 of 17
    homhom Posts: 1,098member

    Originally posted by Proud iBook Owner 2k2

    Is emulating the NES possible on the iPod? Would it be too complex to do compared to the games that come with it?

    Here is the real question... How would you play games? The NES had a d-pad and the 'a' and 'b' buttons. I don't think it would be easy to recreate that experience on an iPod using the scroll wheel and the 5 other buttons at your disposal. Other then that I think it's a great idea
  • Reply 7 of 17
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by Proud iBook Owner 2k2

    OK well I just checked the iPod Linux site and they say that it only works with the 1st generation models at the moment, or that's how I understood it. Also it doesn't work with the HFS+ file system. It has to be FAT32 aka Windows formatted. That really sucks. I wonder if they'll release the SDK at MWSF next month.... Hmm....

    The first news post discusses a new bootloader developed that works with 3G iPods... and gives you a choice at startup between the Apple firmware and Linux.

    But at the moment, it is all WAY too rough around the edges for general use.

  • Reply 8 of 17
    so, when you boot into linux on the ipod, what can you do with it? i mean, do you just stare in awe at the command line?
  • Reply 9 of 17

    Originally posted by ThunderPoit

    so, when you boot into linux on the ipod, what can you do with it? i mean, do you just stare in awe at the command line?

    Yeah really.... How would you type commands? I mean unless a keyboard is released for it I would think it would be almost impossible...
  • Reply 10 of 17
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Ah the "power" of the CLI

    This is exactly why Apple needs to release an SDK like last year. So when the screen gets color when it's finally cheap, things like this will be possible. Then they don't have to develop games for it: Nintendo emu means the best games ever made. Maybe even partner with Nintendo officially! Why is Apple being stupid with this concept of opening up the iPod?
  • Reply 11 of 17

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    ... Why is Apple being stupid with this concept of opening up the iPod?

    If Apple releases an SDK, how long before someone writes a program for the iPod to dump all the songs to a computer?

    Remember, the 1G and 2G iPods have a standard firewire port, it would would be conceivably possible to wire them up together (Firewire is peer-to-peer) and write an iPod app that trades each other's songs.
  • Reply 12 of 17
    amoryaamorya Posts: 1,103member

    Originally posted by Phroggy

    If Apple releases an SDK, how long before someone writes a program for the iPod to dump all the songs to a computer?

    There's already a program that does that - no need for an SDK!

  • Reply 13 of 17
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by Phroggy

    If Apple releases an SDK, how long before someone writes a program for the iPod to dump all the songs to a computer?

    Remember, the 1G and 2G iPods have a standard firewire port, it would would be conceivably possible to wire them up together (Firewire is peer-to-peer) and write an iPod app that trades each other's songs.

    LOL. There is no copy protection built into the iPod (which is A Good Thing?), all of your songs are in the /iPod_Control/Music/F** (where ** is a number between 00 and 19) folders. There are many, many applications that to copy your music straight into your iTunes Library.

  • Reply 14 of 17
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by HOM

    Here is the real question... How would you play games? The NES had a d-pad and the 'a' and 'b' buttons. I don't think it would be easy to recreate that experience on an iPod using the scroll wheel and the 5 other buttons at your disposal. Other then that I think it's a great idea

    The third generation iPod's trackpad can be reprogrammed to be an 8-direction d-pad.
  • Reply 15 of 17

    Originally posted by Barto

    LOL. There is no copy protection built into the iPod...

    Heh, yeah, my bad, sorry, I meant 'another device'.

    (Original: "... dump all the songs to a computer"

    Edited and filtered for stupidity: "... dump all the songs to other, older iPods")

    Since Firewire is a peer-to-peer technology, it could transfer songs to other Firewire devices. With the proliferation of iPods, one could easily expand their music collection walking around with a Firewire cable looking for white earbuds.
  • Reply 16 of 17
    OMG.. I hate those white earbuds... They hurt my ears after awhile... I tend to use them less and less... I'm gonna try and get a different pair if at all possible....
  • Reply 17 of 17
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    Heh, yeah, my bad, sorry, I meant 'another device'.

    Exactly! I've been waiting for that for so long... Can't prevent hacks no matter what. And it's our iPod we shouldn't have restrictions; what if we want to copy our own songs to another of our own iPods, or data. Still the iPod and iTunes are a lot more open than anything else that's viable so Apple's pretty cool.
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