Just switched my Mom!!!
she went from an old Acer Aspire, her first and until now, only computer running Winders 98SE to a striking eMac 1Gig with Superdrive (plus printer, MS Office X, and a USB floppy!!!!!!!
She loves it!
That's three conversions in one year. I feel like John the Baptist's step brother.
She loves it!
That's three conversions in one year. I feel like John the Baptist's step brother.
ipod, emac, .mac awesome world we live in
but you probably should have waited with office...
you could let her "borrow" your copy until after MacWorld when it is supposed to be updated...
sorry, couldn´t resist.
Good work, I did the same with my mom.
More of a General Discussion thread though, so I'll move it on over.
Oh wait...you are a bit busy on your own swapping business