
in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Apple is designing the new jMac, the new jMac will be in the form factor of an upside down teacup. Why? Apple is redesigning the product so it is easier to access. By redesigning the construct in a form of a teacup, this allows ease of upgradability. The "cup handle" will provide as the neck for the slim LCD screen. My mother will be able to slide herself up and down the handle, and position it where she wants. The base will contain the components. The ports will be located to the side of the jMac instead of the back for ease of use. The new jMac will use 512 XDR Ram(newly released from Japan!), which will operate 8 times as fast as current DDR memory. The new jMacs will include the new G5 processor. At speeds starting at 1.8 GHZ. And removable "mini" hard drives starting at 80 Gigs. They will be released in February.
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