Dear chickentooth

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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
(Now mods, I know this should be in GD or so, but it regards a problem on FH, thus I posted here, needless to say you should feel free to move it however)

Here's the post:

dear chickentooth

Normally I am apt to give anyone the benefit of the doubt.

Sadly, with you, I'm finding it hard to find any benefits to the doubt.

This is a "serious" board on which brainhash - spam like yours is not appreciated.

Now, having said that, I do not agree to the way some people (you know who you are) have been treating you and it appears to me (once again) that those people were raised by rats.

From a Canadian I would have expected more tact and a somewhat more reserved approach to posting, Now that your privileges have been revoked, I hope you see why.

Hopefully everyone on this board will not be so weak to backstab you on the board by posting nasty remarks when you (chickentooth) are now unable to defend yourself. Sadly some people on (and outside of) this board oft require a reminder that they are adults and therefore should not behave like schoolchildren.

That's all.

(edit: took away the foolishness of my post, sorry about that)


  • Reply 1 of 6
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member

    Originally posted by ~ufo~

    Now, having said that, I do not agree to the way some people (you know who you are) have been treating you and it appears to me (once again) that those people were raised by rats, raised in America or worse still, a combination of the the two.

    From a Canadian I would have expected more tact and a somewhat more reserved approach to posting, Now that your privileges have been revoked, I hope you see why.

    Using a persons birth place, be it USA, Canada, France, Japan, The Netherlands, UK or wherever to make broad sweeping assumptions about them is wrong.

    Go home bigot - your foul hate speech isn't welcome!

    Or has this place turned into a new-world liberal/socialist bastion where it's IN FASHION to be bigoted against most all religion but for heaven sakes not the Muslims, white males but NEVER not non-White Males. And where murderers are just misunderstood, child molesters aren't so bad after all and drug lords are simply providing a service to the people.

    Please tell me we haven't gone that far left here... PLEASE!

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  • Reply 2 of 6
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Would I be remiss in a timely "IBL" ?
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  • Reply 3 of 6
    ~ufo~~ufo~ Posts: 245member
    but Dave,

    now it is you who is pointing fingers and suggesting I should go home. and yet you call me a bigot...

    The reason why I said "America" is because most of the times on which I see peeps being scolded here it is by Americans. Sad but true.

    Of course you are absolutely right in pointing out that it was wrong of me to generalize. And I apologize for this.

    Sadly, however, you have proven my point with your post.

    I am merely voicing my regret that some people are apt to being plain rude to people on (and of course outside) this board.

    One should think twice before posting an angry reply, for it will only lead to more anger.

    Of course I too, should have thought twice before posting something like that thing about being raised in America, however, the thought: "This person acts like he's been raised by rats" has crossed my mind on many occasions reading this board. I just hope those people are able to display better manners in real life. Of course they are not all Americans and I am sorry to have blown up more ashes of the anger fire that is so painfully present these days. The things that happened in America that one day were awful, yet in stead of raising the question of "why do these people hate us so much?" it has merely resulted in the same blind anger in return.

    Trust me, I am not partial to any religion or country. I have been to almost all the countries you named and am no stranger to many others.

    It was not my intention to raise any political argument for I am fed up with all the finger pointing in this world. People always tend to blame their neighbours for their own problems when one could try to improve oneself and work from there.

    Even though I have a low post count I'm a long time reader of this board.

    I think this is a good board and understand that the seniors here take pride in being a member of this community, but let's be mild to the people that are new or foolish and not boo them away and throw stones, for those are the acts that remind me of the middle ages and should remind you of your foes.

    Once again, I apologize for generalizing, that was wrong and foolish of me.

    But try to read my whole post, in stead of looking for a phrase to get angry about.


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  • Reply 4 of 6
    ...Jesus, ufo, you are a bigger tool than chickentooth. How you managed to interject your blind bigoted politics into a Future Hardware forum is beyond me.

    I rate it a 3.7 out of 10 for lack of originality and class.
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  • Reply 5 of 6
    ~ufo~~ufo~ Posts: 245member

    Originally posted by mooseman

    ...Jesus, ufo, you are a bigger tool than chickentooth.

    hehehe perhaps you are right,

    I just think it needs be said that people mind their manners when posting, though I'm of course as guilty as the next.

    newbies just get bullied out of here in no time, i just used the chickentooth thing merely as an example.
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  • Reply 6 of 6
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member

    Originally posted by ~ufo~

    (Now mods, I know this should be in GD or so, but it regards a problem on FH, thus I posted here, needless to say you should feel free to move it however)

    Um, no. Threads calling out a particular member aren't welcome anywhere. If you have a problem with a member, PM a mod or admin. If you have a problem with a posting trend, etc, start a thread in Suggestions.


    This is a "serious" board on which brainhash - spam like yours is not appreciated.

    See? The whole personal attack thing. Bad bad.


    Hopefully everyone on this board will not be so weak to backstab you on the board by posting nasty remarks when you (chickentooth) are now unable to defend yourself. Sadly some people on (and outside of) this board oft require a reminder that they are adults and therefore should not behave like schoolchildren.

    Yeah, hopefully no one does that.

    *looks at thread*

    *scratches head*


    (edit: took away the foolishness of my post, sorry about that)

    Sadly, it didn't take away the foolishness of your thread.

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