2004 recap

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
2004 another amazing year for apple. who would have guessed that apple starting from zero would been so successful in so many new markets. and to think a year ago music was the big thing.

It was the year of the enterprise. The brilliant enterprise solutions offered by apple really opened some eyes. Apple really put it together with a system that could scale from small to really really big and seamlessly tie in just about any old piece of legacy hardware imaginable. It was revolution in corporate it thinking.

Starting with the january announcement of the the acclaimed G5 scaleable Xserve family, any size, any configuration, any # cpu you need, connected by Xgrid to salvage all those wasted cycles.

For enterprises that need super-computing power the cost savings of Xgrid alone was a no-brainer reason to switch. The savings are that substantial. and the "corporate" switch ads introducing Apple on x86 during the super-bowl must have been replayed on thousands of outlets.

The MS Office killer arrived in spring with new AppleWorksX. Finally an answer to those who said Office was invincible.

Trusted computing paid off handsomely and with the persistent and expensive MS security issues corporate america and government was forced to look at Apple, with nowhere else to turn and a compelling business case to be made, (by ex Oracle sales staff), many organizations are switching to Apple. Apple is finally seen as a viable choice not just some toy for the media people. Not that the media people were left out what with the hot pro audio, video, 3d apps. and acquiring SGI and all

By spring it was bye bye Moto, IBM all the way. The new " IBM-G4" (G3++) in Ibooks, the low cost HD,CD-less NetMac (temp mac, drone mac), and in the return of the pizza box, the headless _Mac both under $500.

With the G5 hitting its stride pushing 3ghz in Powermacs and Xserve, and the low power G5 in powerbooks, IBM Fishkill could do no wrong in 04.

6 new HD desktop displays from 15" to 25"

by summer we saw two flavors of Imac. The G4 plastic Imac at Walmart for under a grand, and for a whole lot more at the Apple Store the 20 anniversary 25" G5 ceramic mac beautiful silent, indestructible, unobtainable

Fall brought the digital hub. media centers that connect and make sense of the mess of electronics and remotes in most homes. TVs, stereos, dvd, vcr, satellite all connected, hell I got mine hooked to my trusty old turntable and reel to reel, add in the functionality the best gaming system ever devised, all controlled by wireless oled color video tablet. Connect it up to your old tv or a dozen monitors, or one of Apples (via Samsung- TI) big screen displays, 40" on up to home theatre size displays. They were by far the hot item this christmas even making Neiman Maucus's christmas catalog.

don't leave out the ruggedized fuel-cell powered G5 powerbook with the week long charge, or the the evolving ipod that becomes whatever you need it to be data vault, media holder, video camera, pda, phone...

Oh what a year, happy 05


  • Reply 1 of 12
    big macbig mac Posts: 480member
    Haha, cool post Squareback. I'd like to see some of those things come to pass.
  • Reply 2 of 12
  • Reply 3 of 12
    You forgot the Apple iNewton and the Apple sports car
  • Reply 4 of 12
    mac+mac+ Posts: 580member
    It would be cool to see some of those ideas as reality. Here's hoping!
  • Reply 5 of 12
    kennethkenneth Posts: 832member
    recap already??
  • Reply 6 of 12
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I got halfway through reading it thinking how ridiculous it was until I realized the title of the thread and what you were doing.

    With that optimism, we may have to soon call you Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 7 of 12
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member
    Oooohh...do '05 now!

    As far as your predictions about '04 go...

    **DMBand crosses fingers**
  • Reply 8 of 12
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member

    Originally posted by squareback

    2004 another amazing year for apple. who would have guessed that apple starting from zero would been so successful in so many new markets. and to think a year ago music was the big thing.

    It was the year of the enterprise. The brilliant enterprise solutions offered by apple really opened some eyes. Apple really put it together with a system that could scale from small to really really big and seamlessly tie in just about any old piece of legacy hardware imaginable. It was revolution in corporate it thinking.

    Starting with the january announcement of the the acclaimed G5 scaleable Xserve family, any size, any configuration, any # cpu you need, connected by Xgrid to salvage all those wasted cycles.

    For enterprises that need super-computing power the cost savings of Xgrid alone was a no-brainer reason to switch. The savings are that substantial. and the "corporate" switch ads introducing Apple on x86 during the super-bowl must have been replayed on thousands of outlets.

    The MS Office killer arrived in spring with new AppleWorksX. Finally an answer to those who said Office was invincible.

    Trusted computing paid off handsomely and with the persistent and expensive MS security issues corporate america and government was forced to look at Apple, with nowhere else to turn and a compelling business case to be made, (by ex Oracle sales staff), many organizations are switching to Apple. Apple is finally seen as a viable choice not just some toy for the media people. Not that the media people were left out what with the hot pro audio, video, 3d apps. and acquiring SGI and all

    By spring it was bye bye Moto, IBM all the way. The new " IBM-G4" (G3++) in Ibooks, the low cost HD,CD-less NetMac (temp mac, drone mac), and in the return of the pizza box, the headless _Mac both under $500.

    With the G5 hitting its stride pushing 3ghz in Powermacs and Xserve, and the low power G5 in powerbooks, IBM Fishkill could do no wrong in 04.

    6 new HD desktop displays from 15" to 25"

    by summer we saw two flavors of Imac. The G4 plastic Imac at Walmart for under a grand, and for a whole lot more at the Apple Store the 20 anniversary 25" G5 ceramic mac beautiful silent, indestructible, unobtainable

    Fall brought the digital hub. media centers that connect and make sense of the mess of electronics and remotes in most homes. TVs, stereos, dvd, vcr, satellite all connected, hell I got mine hooked to my trusty old turntable and reel to reel, add in the functionality the best gaming system ever devised, all controlled by wireless oled color video tablet. Connect it up to your old tv or a dozen monitors, or one of Apples (via Samsung- TI) big screen displays, 40" on up to home theatre size displays. They were by far the hot item this christmas even making Neiman Maucus's christmas catalog.

    don't leave out the ruggedized fuel-cell powered G5 powerbook with the week long charge, or the the evolving ipod that becomes whatever you need it to be data vault, media holder, video camera, pda, phone...

    Oh what a year, happy 05

    I would have written this off as wild fantasy if you had included an iTablet.

    Thoughtful and well reasoned. You forgot the Terabyte iPods.

    Aries 1B
  • Reply 9 of 12
    shawkshawk Posts: 116member
    I think you missed the acquisition of Apple by IBM.

    It's still sort of strange to remember that Steve Jobs is the acting CEO of IBM. Of course, IBM pays him $1 a year but the Boeing 7E7 they gave him makes it all worthwhile.
  • Reply 10 of 12
    jousterjouster Posts: 460member
    How will 'Appleworks X' kill Office when only 3-4% of people will have any reason to buy it?

    Certainly not because it will run on Win boxes as well - all those people already own Word, and since they use about 1/50th of its functionality, have no reason to upgrade.
  • Reply 11 of 12
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Tisk tisk tisk... Not a single word about OS X 10.4?!?

  • Reply 12 of 12
    merlionmerlion Posts: 143member
    I think we really need Kormac or Dorsal to chime in here. Those two dudes have been right on in the past, and Kormac has great insight into the future direction of Apple.

    So what say you two? Comments?

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