Applescript to set a Label?

in macOS edited January 2014
I know the title isn't specific enough, but here we go (and if this is in the wrong forum by all means move it )

Is it possible to have a Folder Action Script for the desktop to set any item on it with a certain label? It would be pretty nice to have. If anyone has a script that does this, can you e-mail it to me? (My e-mail's one of these buttons around here..)


  • Reply 1 of 2
    It's pretty simple.


    set label index of item to index

    where item is the item you want to set the label of (eg: startup disk, a folder, a file, etc.) and index is the numerical index of the label you want to assign (0 to 7).
  • Reply 2 of 2
    jwilljwill Posts: 209member
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