router assigns gateway ip and local ip same

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have a strange networking problem,

My adsl router (KT HIGATE II) assigns my IP address through DHCP. However it assigns the gateway the same as the address of the local computer. This presents a real problem when trying to share an internet connection with another computer.

Ive spent a great deal of time googling around looking for anyone who has noticed anything similar or had the same problem but havnt found anything.

Just hoping someone could help shed some light on how this works and why the router wont work when even a simple hub seperates it from the computer. This reason Im doing this is to get it working with a Netgear MR814v2 wireless access point.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    aslan^aslan^ Posts: 599member
    I know this might be considered rude but Im just bumping my post to the top, looks like quite a couple of these Genius bar posts get pushed off the page before any help or suggestions are given...

    ...or maybe just nobody wants to help me.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    dobbydobby Posts: 797member
    I can't explain why its no providing a gateway except for perhaps the router doesn't have that entered in its configfile/database.

    You could try editing your /etc/hostconfig file and change the ROUTER entry from -AUTOMATIC- to the required ip address.

    You could also setup a command line file on the desktop that manually changes the route. It will need to be along the lines of -

    route delete default

    route add default

    ( being the correct gateway)

  • Reply 3 of 6
    aslan^aslan^ Posts: 599member
    Thank you Dobby,

    unless Im not understanding what you are saying, I think we may be on two different sheets of music. My IP address and gateway are the same and when it is configured like this the internet works fine. The computer gets its IP from the router via DHCP but the problem is it only works when it is connected directly to the computer.. very strange I think and I cant figure it out.

    When its connected to my MR814v2 Netgear access point, the MR814 can pull an address from the router but it doesnt seem to forward any internet packets to me... and I think this may be because of the unusual IP and Gateway configuration (which, to my knowledge, I cant change).
  • Reply 4 of 6
    aslan^aslan^ Posts: 599member
    quick update,

    I got it working with a "simple hub" between the computer and the router... not shure why it wouldnt work the other night, probably (definately) some lameness on my part... that being said I promptly plugged in another computer to the hub.

    The laptop (the added computer) is not able to grab an address via DHCP, so I tried manually setting it to the same ip range (and the gateway the same as the desktop computer), which sort of worked.. I was able to see my desktop but I couldnt ping my router (on , like I can when my desktop is connected) or access the internet. This seems like some advanced networking trick from my ISP that I just cant figure out !
  • Reply 5 of 6
    gargoylegargoyle Posts: 660member
    Your ADSL router might only be configured to allow 1 computer to use the line. Can you check this with your ISP?

    If its not limited to 1 PC, you can try the following manual configs, assuming router is (subnet

    Computer 1




    Computer 2




    Note: You might also have to enter your ISP's name server addresses, your router might not do DNS forwarding.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    aslan^aslan^ Posts: 599member

    Originally posted by Gargoyle

    Your ADSL router might only be configured to allow 1 computer to use the line. Can you check this with your ISP?

    I very much suspect that it is configured to only allow one computer to use the line... I was hoping on finding a way around this.

    I gave what you said a try and set my IP to and the gateway to

    The is the address of the routers DHCP *server* where I assume it listens for DHCP requests. Unfortunately it doesnt work as a gateway. When all is working normally (computer plugged into router/modem), I send a DHCP request and the router usually assigns my computer a dynamic IP in the range of 211.something.etc.etc and configures the gateway to the same address. Very strange and Im not exactly sure how it works at all, maybe its a jury rigged solution by my ISP to prevent connection sharing.
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