Anyone else w/a Que!Fire 32x CDRW?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Considering my old USB CD burner just died, and I need a CD burner, I finally broke down and got one of the Que! Fire 32x10x40 external CD-R/W.

I was hesitant of this brand, to say the least, because the USB one that died was a Que. But after looking at the LaCie and Sony options available at the store this drive seemed pretty decent for the money. I got it for $250. I was originally planning on getting a 16x Lacie for $229 but couldn't resist twice the speed (gotta have SPEED! ) for only $30 more.

However. This thing is LOUD. Louder than my G3. It's quiet when it's just sitting there, but once it starts to burn it winds up and howls. Does anyone else have one of these? Is it supposed to be this loud? Also, does it sort of "click" when you open/close the drive tray? Mine does.

Other than that it works fine in iTunes and Toast (disc burner just stinks in general - too much copying/prepare time).

Maybe I'm just paranoid because I'm not too sure I really trust this brand and am afraid I might get what I pay for, but is anyone else's noisy?

Oh, heh, I noticed last night that all of my blank CDs are 16x. Sheesh. I tried it at 32x and they worked though. :eek: Anyone recommend not doing this?

aw well, enough rambling.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    I don't have the 32x, but I've got the 24x. When opening the drive there's a clicking noise on mine too. Also, it's pretty loud when burning, but not as loud as you make it seem.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Do you know what kind of mechanism is in the 32x Que? It's probably a Sanyo, which isn't a bad drive. The faster the drive, the more vibration.

    And I've burned 12x media at 24x without problems before.

    [ 02-26-2002: Message edited by: Eugene ]</p>
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