domain add-on's?

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
is it wise to do this or should i just get seperate accounts for my domains? does it affect load times?


  • Reply 1 of 9
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    Uh. can you give an example? Are you talking about something like:,, Or having multiple domains point to different links on a server? I don't see how load times would be effected, DNS would be the same speed for whatever address you use. I really don't get the question, but it is late so forgive me if I missed something obvious.
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  • Reply 2 of 9

    Originally posted by Crusader

    Uh. can you give an example? Are you talking about something like:,, Or having multiple domains point to different links on a server? I don't see how load times would be effected, DNS would be the same speed for whatever address you use. I really don't get the question, but it is late so forgive me if I missed something obvious.

    no those are subdomains. it's hosting several domains on one account and

    the host sets it up like but domain2 has to have it's own domain tha tis registered

    i'm probalby not that good at explaining it
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  • Reply 3 of 9
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    Oh ok. Well it does look unprofessional in my opinion. I say, if the money is there then go for it. Or see if you can have a virtual server set up on your current server (if you own the machine).
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  • Reply 4 of 9

    Originally posted by Crusader

    Oh ok. Well it does look unprofessional in my opinion. I say, if the money is there then go for it. Or see if you can have a virtual server set up on your current server (if you own the machine).

    domain2 is just how it's set up on the ftp site. you would access domain2 at
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  • Reply 5 of 9
    i can't believe no one here has experience with these!
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  • Reply 6 of 9
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Alex - "Oooo. I'm sorry that must be phrased in the form of a question."
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  • Reply 7 of 9

    Originally posted by dfiler

    Alex - "Oooo. I'm sorry that must be phrased in the form of a question."

    smart azz

    do you have experience with them?
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  • Reply 8 of 9
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Yes. But none of us have any idea which 'them' you're talking about.
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  • Reply 9 of 9

    Originally posted by dfiler

    Yes. But none of us have any idea which 'them' you're talking about.

    add-on domains
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