Easiest way to share iTunes library with guest account?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Wasn't sure if this should be in OS X, Digital Hub, General Discussion or here. I figure it's a technical issue, so I put it here. Move accordingly, if needed.

On my PowerBook (running Panther), I have my main account (me) and all my goodies and settings. But I also have a guest account for visitors, my Dad, etc. to use if they're here and want to surf or whatever (but I don't want them messing around in MY area, messing things up, reading my mail, etc.).

I have a 10GB iTunes library in my home music folder.

What is the easiest way to make this library accessible to these other accounts, WITHOUT physically copying 10GB of music into their home music folder.

I think I have an inkling that I need to make my music folder accessible to everyone in Permissions, but I'm not 100%. I'm hoping it's something easy like that, and it's merely a "pointing" issue from their account?

I'd like to just have ONE master iTunes library, accessible by everyone and not multiple copies of songs all over the place, chewing up hard drive space!

AND, I don't want this library able to be monkeyed with (they can't accidentally delete songs and so forth).

How do I do this?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    I'm interested in doing this too. It would be cool to be able to share amongst accounts, kind of like rendezvous. Perhaps I'll check the Apple boards for this...


    This link has information on sharing libraries:


    But, I don't believe that it would prevent Users from modifying the contents. Apple really should make this easier.

    Edit II:

    From Apple:


    Still, this should be easier. You shouldn't have to move anything around.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Okay, I've tried a few different ways to do this, all worked to an extent. They way I have it now is that I removed all permissions from my Music folder (I guess it would also work if you just removed permissions for the iTunes folder). Then on other accounts I set my iTunes folder as the location and checked the "don't copy music" thing. Then I clicked Add to Library... and selected my iTunes folder and everything was there.

    I think if you do it this way iTunes will show changers you make to yours and all other accounts.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by InactionMan

    Okay, I've tried a few different ways to do this, all worked to an extent. They way I have it now is that I removed all permissions from my Music folder (I guess it would also work if you just removed permissions for the iTunes folder). Then on other accounts I set my iTunes folder as the location and checked the "don't copy music" thing. Then I clicked Add to Library... and selected my iTunes folder and everything was there.

    I think if you do it this way iTunes will show changers you make to yours and all other accounts.

    I'd do the permissions part of it and then just make an alias to your user account's music folder from the guest account. To do this, you'd have to make an alias to your music folder, stick it in the shared folder and then log into the guest account. There, you could set the preferences to look at that folder or just move it to where the music folder is in that account. It's a complete PITA and not apple quality. They really have to resolve this in the next release of iTunes.

    <goes off to feedback page>
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