convert DVD (all options) into a self-contained file?

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
i'm looking at finding some software that could convert a DVD into a selfcontained file that retains the menu, languages, subtitles, extras, etc... but in a file format.

Lets say: I make a movie with DVD Studio pro that has subtitles, picture gallery, 3 audio tracks (different languages), etc.

BUT I want to make a .mov or some other file that I can send around on a CD, that has the basics all there. I open the file and have the menu interface, options, etc. Like a flash animation... that gives me options before starting the file.

So... essentially, a flash "face", DIVX encoding, etc etc.

Doesnt the MPEG 4 standard have room for this? A video with multiple embdded audio tracks? And subtitles? They're just layers, no?

I deally this software could be as "easy" as, say, DVD2one... letting me pick and choose what subtitles and audio tracks I want, what compression of audio and video, and expected size of final file.

ps... even if this is a professional solution, I would be interested.


  • Reply 1 of 9
    .mov files are movies... youre not gonna be able to have a menu within the movie itself. why not just burn a dvd and send that around?
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  • Reply 2 of 9
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Actually, you can indeed have menus in .mov files. You can embed clickable links to jump to another timecode, or even another movie, no problem.
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  • Reply 3 of 9
    my bad... how do you do it?
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  • Reply 4 of 9
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    is there any easy way of doing this?

    Ideally, it would be nice to have a flash menu as you open the file, then have the video in DIVX (or something good that is QT compatible), and a couple audio streams. Heck, even subtitles.
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  • Reply 5 of 9
    or you could go the other way...

    Flash MX (Pro) now has a decent codec for embedded video

    If you're intending to do the menu in Flash anyway, why not make it a Flash project
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  • Reply 6 of 9
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    aha... so how would that work?

    can I take a DVD project into Flash and have it save as is?

    Or do I have to extract the video to another codec, then import on Flash, reencode again... ?
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  • Reply 7 of 9
    pretty sure you'll at least have to extract if from the project files and reencode the video in flash,

    but I don't have the latest Pro version on this machine to test and tell you more

    looks like there are some 3rd party PC tools that do something similar,
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  • Reply 8 of 9
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    The 2-pop forums under media authoring is a good place to go . . very knowledgeable folks over there

    Director could work, but in order to make teh interface smooth you would really have to know what you are doing re;file size and memory management

    Flash could work but the same goes with the size . . . and the video would have to be small

    I haven't explored DVD-SP2 much yet but all you need to do is see if it allows for alternative output such as VCD etc and if you can burn to a CD rather than DVD

    or am I missunderstanding your goal?

    It seems that as DVD-SP progresses it will naturally eclipse Director as a tool for multimedia CD/DVD creations of interactivity with video
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  • Reply 9 of 9
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    the prject per se is to be able to have self contained movies that are much much smaller than a DVD and therefore able to distribute over the net or other medium (mostly non physical... ).

    So, the target size would be 500-700MB for the file.

    I came accross SVCD too. Successor of VCD and has some promising things I'm looking for. For example multiple audio tracks and uses MPG2 instead of MPG1 of VCD.

    But I dont think a 1h30 movie compressed to 6-700MB SVCD format will be good to look at, especially with the extra tracks for audio.


    Those DVD tools look interesting.... I'll have to get a hold of a PC to try some out/ Thanks ppflam.

    Curious, i'll look into Flash as well... but looks to be a bitch to do...
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