What's wrong with the world...
Starting January 16th, all Macs will come with 10.3.2 and iLife. This means everyone that buys a Mac on and beyond Jan 16th will have a really nice set of apps without shelling out extra cash or downloading anything:
Address Book
iChat AV
iDVD 4
iMovie 4
iPhoto 4
iTunes 4
I personally think some of these apps are killer apps. Sure, you can get something similar on the PC side...but you normally have to pay up or suffer through the mediocre free apps.
iTunes 4, GarageBand, iDVD 4 are really in a class of their own and you won't find anything that matches them in simplicity, power, strength and features on the PC side without having to spend lots of pretty pennies.
So the big question is...how long will I have to keep hearing that the Mac is more expensive than PCs? The apps that come with the Mac is, IMO, enough to justify its price (if computer design, quality and looks don't fit in the equation...but they do).
What will get people to realize that when they buy a Mac, they're buying an experience, not just a computer?
Or do we live in a sad world where people *just want a computer*?
5 years ago computers were slow in a lot of tasks so buying a cheap computer and upgrading fast was understandable. But today? Most people don't know what to do with the extra hertz in their boxes. They should bite the bullet and pay the extra 500-1000 for a Mac since they won't have to upgrade for a long time.
edit: hmm...maybe this doesn't really belong in "Mac OS X" now that I've reread my post.
Address Book
iChat AV
iDVD 4
iMovie 4
iPhoto 4
iTunes 4
I personally think some of these apps are killer apps. Sure, you can get something similar on the PC side...but you normally have to pay up or suffer through the mediocre free apps.
iTunes 4, GarageBand, iDVD 4 are really in a class of their own and you won't find anything that matches them in simplicity, power, strength and features on the PC side without having to spend lots of pretty pennies.
So the big question is...how long will I have to keep hearing that the Mac is more expensive than PCs? The apps that come with the Mac is, IMO, enough to justify its price (if computer design, quality and looks don't fit in the equation...but they do).
What will get people to realize that when they buy a Mac, they're buying an experience, not just a computer?
Or do we live in a sad world where people *just want a computer*?
5 years ago computers were slow in a lot of tasks so buying a cheap computer and upgrading fast was understandable. But today? Most people don't know what to do with the extra hertz in their boxes. They should bite the bullet and pay the extra 500-1000 for a Mac since they won't have to upgrade for a long time.
edit: hmm...maybe this doesn't really belong in "Mac OS X" now that I've reread my post.
Originally posted by tonton
And remember that if you buy an eMac, iMac or iBook, you get more software than that, like Apple Works and Quickbooks (I think).
Too bad Apple Works sucks so bad.
Damn, where's that freaking Apple Works update? The length of time in which this app has not had a serious update leads me to believe that Apple does indeed have an office suite in the works. However, Microsoft's presence, and the recent support guarantee deal might indicate that this is still not a done deal.
I got a feeling Apple is playing it safe and waiting for MS to release Office X 2004...since 2004 should last 2-3 years, it would be safe for Apple to release whatever they're working on then. If MS decides to drop Mac support because of this move, Apple will have 3 years or more to really get their suite of office apps on par with MS Office features and add other innovations that will makes people switch over.
Originally posted by tonton
Damn, where's that freaking Apple Works update? The length of time in which this app has not had a serious update leads me to believe that Apple does indeed have an office suite in the works. However, Microsoft's presence, and the recent support guarantee deal might indicate that this is still not a done deal.
check the office 2004 thread there is a post near the bottom of the first page where one of the original developers of clarisworks posted to give MS a jab...
checkout his link with the history of appleworks...
there should be some info about his co-founder (who now works for apple after they bought claris and turned it into filemaker) and the fact that he refuses to talk about what he is working on with him--even OFF the record...
Originally posted by kim kap sol
Starting January 16th, all Macs will come with 10.3.2 and iLife. This means everyone that buys a Mac on and beyond Jan 16th will have a really nice set of apps without shelling out extra cash or downloading anything:
Address Book
iChat AV
iDVD 4
iMovie 4
iPhoto 4
iTunes 4
I remember watching Steve Jobs pricing up Windows equivalents for the iApps in the Keynote just gone, and they came out to a couple a hundred dollars, plus they would not integrate like the iApps. So we get this for free, with a new Mac with a SuperDrive:
? Music listening jukebox, (best in its class ? ever).
? Music creating tools for anyone
? Calendar organisation application
? Selected portable device synchronisation
? Home movie editing
? Home DVD creation
? Photo management and simple editing tool
? Audio/video chatting capabilities
? Easy to use and simple address keeping facilities
? State of the art web browser
? Easy to use email client
? QuickTime as standard
? Web searching tool, (Sherlock), that's customisable
? A couple of neat little games
? Already installed superior PDF and image viewer
? Simple text editor
? X11 for X application compatibility
? State of the art developer tools for FREE
? World Book encyclopedia
I simply don't thik this compares with anything the Wintel world offers. I mean, the above list I just compiled makes it sound like we get sooo much for our money, and the fact is we do.
Originally posted by kim kap sol
So the big question is...how long will I have to keep hearing that the Mac is more expensive than PCs? The apps that come with the Mac is, IMO, enough to justify its price (if computer design, quality and looks don't fit in the equation...but they do).
We really need a Windows zaelot here to counter my list and Kim Kap Sol's argument here. But put simply, we do have a real valid point here.
Plus with a new Macintosh, we get:
? Innovative design, (most people care for this but not all)
? Out of the box functionality, (but then again so do a lot of Wintel machines)
? Mac OS X, (need I say more)
+?? UNIX
+?? Mac-legendary ease of use
? A reliable computer made from parts Apple has approved and so hence will work.
Again, the Wintel world's offerings just don't compare.
All we need now is a decent office suite that comes standard... m.