Internet Streaming IS BACK!

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014

still beta... but when it is finished it should work pretty well.

I will try it tomorrow maybe at work...

the only setback is that it only works with MP3s.... \ their solution? attempt to "convert the format on the fly"

yeah, that'll work...

is there some liscensing thing to prevent streaming AAC files?

the MPEG forum is just as bad as MS in some ways...


  • Reply 1 of 5
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Um, okay, but why reinvent the whole freakin' wheel?

    Why not just hack to remove the iTunes-over-internet limitation?
  • Reply 2 of 5
    or keep running the last streaming-enabled version, 4.0.x

    and i always know there'll be an iTunes in SU for me to ignore
  • Reply 3 of 5
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Um, okay, but why reinvent the whole freakin' wheel?

    Why not just hack to remove the iTunes-over-internet limitation?

    because I can't find one that will work...

    and there DEFINITELY isn't one that will work easily without having to play with ports and stuff..

    curious burb, couldn't you just keep a copy of the "old" iTunes and only break that out when you want to stream/be streamed...
  • Reply 4 of 5

    Originally posted by Paul

    because I can't find one that will work...

    and there DEFINITELY isn't one that will work easily without having to play with ports and stuff..

    curious burb, couldn't you just keep a copy of the "old" iTunes and only break that out when you want to stream/be streamed...

    the major additions from 4.0 (streaming) and 4.1 or 4.2 (not streaming) are iTMS related

    since we don't get iTMS here in Canada, I chose to keep 4.0.

    as to keeping a copy of 4.0 in addition to 4.2, perhaps...

    it might depend if the update includes just the app itself or other root libraries...

    i'd be prepared to experiment once i get a 4.0 installer for backup
  • Reply 5 of 5
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    Seems like pretty pointless software.

    Carrying an iPod around or simply keeping your music library at home and work synced seems a more practical idea.

    You could also just share your library as a webdav or FTP server, it would require roughly the same bandwidth.

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