Awia's (From Sony) 2GB MP3 Mini Player Is Coming
Awia's iPod mini challenger. It uses a Cornice 2 GB HD. It costs about $325 in Japan. (I believe the player is on the right and the remote on the left). UGLY.
Article here.

Article here.
PC World claims the Giga Pavits will be each priced at $239... the other one has a picture here:
The mini iPod has all of them beat for a price/capacity ratio based on a quick scan of the article, although some of the others might have things like FM tuners and such.
the second one, looks a lot like some of the mini iPod mock ups
only uglier
2GB is a bit small. My favorites take up a Gig and a half, let alone my whole music collection.
Originally posted by DMBand0026
See...everyone is complaining about the price of the mini iPod. Now we see that no one can beat the value of it. Score: Apple 1, everyone else: 0. I know the mini iPod isn't exactly a value at the price they are charging, but, if the rest of the market charges more for a less capable player, Apple wins.
Correct. Apple really is shipping a great device with the iPod mini. When it hits 8GB and $200, I will probably get one.