unbelieveable... more about spam

in General Discussion edited January 2014
well i was having too much spam come to one of my websites email address', but at the same time i was having problems with my host, so i changed hosts. i wasn't going to create this this particular email account once my new host started up. well it's been about a week since I changed hosts, so i decide to configure my default email address (one that i won't use), i went to get mail and i had almost[B]900![/B} spams in a about a week

so with my new host i can have mail that goes to my default account even if i don't have an account setup for it, go to a 'blackhole' or i can have it bounce back. i choose bounce back so 'hopefully' companies that have to deal with the repercussions of this bouncing mail, will help try to do something to elimiate this crap. probably wishful thinking, but i can hope

so today, no spam!

i remember years and years ago, everyone didn't like all the snail mail spam. i can't believe more can't be done to get rid of email spammers

what's the most spam you've ever received in a week?
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