Route 66 Route 2004 USA

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Anyone use this program. im thinking about buying it, but i have a few questions first. just so i could make sure i wasnt throwing away 40$ on a bad app, i found it online to try it out *ducks and covers*honest-i swear but the app crashes like crazy. i just wanted to know if it was something wrong with the one i downloaded or if this app is really this bad.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    I think its pretty cool and full-featured. Lots of detail and points of interest for all locations. I also believe that it runs pretty well considering the amount of data that has to reflow every time you scroll or zoom in and out. I've run it on a G4 400 Mhz and a new dual G5. The G4 is about the minimum config I would recommend. It doesn't scream on the G5, but it qualifies as "snappy."

    I've heard a few people complaining about this program cause it won't play nice on their G(ranny)-3 machines. I say, welcome to the 21st century....

    This app installs off a multiple CD's and contains oodles of map info. If your online download wasn't at least a couple of GB, you don't have the full program.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    You downloaded a corrupt pirated copy what did you expect? I know, I keep tabs on Macserialjunkie. It appears that copy is messed up. I wouldn't know, I haven't used it. I am also thinking of buying Route 66 2004, since it's very reasonably priced. 2002's GUI was a bit crappy and the detail was extremely poor but it looks like that's been fixed. I'd love to have a Bluetooth GPS receiver but they're a couple hundred. Can anyone recommend a good NEAwhatever compliant GPS receiver that's two digits? Say under $70.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    thank you guys. all i needed to know was that my copy was fooked, cuz its a very very nice app, im gonna go buy it next payday, im just glad it dosent really crash 24/7
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