Houston we have a problem-PRAM battery

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I attempted o change the PRAM battery in my iMac G4 400dv. It is a bitch to get to, but i got the plastic plate off, then the metal one. while trying to screw the metal plat back on one of the small screws fell inside the iMac! I could not get it out.

Now, am I in danger here of some major problem with it in there? I restarted the iMac and have no problems so far.

I recommend to only use magnetic screwdrivers, I learned my lesson.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    Magnetic screwdrivers are good as long as you are not working near the hard drive. It is an iMac, couldn't you turn it up-side-down and give it a little shake?
  • Reply 2 of 2
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by Ebby

    Magnetic screwdrivers are good as long as you are not working near the hard drive. It is an iMac, couldn't you turn it up-side-down and give it a little shake?

    I turned it over and shook and shook-no luck!
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