Are you folding?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
What is Folding?

Folding@home is a worldwide distributed computing project run by the Stanford University with software written by Apple Computer.

It computes the way proteins "fold" into shapes to do the jobs required by our bodies. When these proteins "misfold" it causes a lot of diseases like Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (CJD), ALS, and Parkinson's disease.

What can you do?

Well if you have a OS X machine, you can download either of three clients; the console version (terminal), the GUI version (watch it work!) or the screensaver version.

For the terminal shy (like I was) I suggest the GUI/graphical version, you set it as a start up application in your accounts and it will connect to the internet when your on, download a protein, work on it and send the results back the next time your online.

You can watch it work or just leave it running in the dock. It uses your spare CPU to do these computations and scales itself down if you need more CPU. I run 4 of the console versions via terminal and can play high end games with out a problem.

There are Teams competing against each other and even though Wintel users far outnumber us, our Team MacOS X #1971 was #30 has since risen to #27 and ready to take the #26 spot away from Silent PC Review. (and we are not going to stop there!)

So come enjoy the fun, put your computer to good use, and keep the name of our platform in the eyes of the world!

Team Mac OS X #1971

Apple says:

Stanford University F@H site.

(Team Mac OS X is site neutral and only dedicated to contributing to Folding@home for the Stanford University, we accept everyone.)


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