WARNING!! Files Trashed opening Alias...

in macOS edited January 2014
Hi all,

this just happenen on Jaguar 10.2.8. I am a Macuser since 1985 and fairly technical:

1. I back up a folder named "WB" that conatins all my files....kind of like my own Documents folder.I don't have enough room to back up Apples Doc folder or want to manually drag everything to the iPod so I keep all critical info in my "WB" foler:

Here's what happened:

1. Dragged my "WB" folder from iPod to iMac Trash Can

2. Hit Empty trash

3. Right after I then double-clicked an Alias on my desktop that takes me to a folder inside my "WB" folder residing in iMac Document folder when...

...all of a sudden the folder opens that i wanted and i watch half the sub-folders disappaer before I can hit "Stop" emptying trash.

4. The folder from the ipod is in tact 100% or close as all the subfolders are there and look full of the items i know about with a visual scan.

anway, I stopped it but not before it deleted all but one of the "WB" folder subfolders and all my alias have "?" marks in them when I double-click and get the warning folder not foud.

I believe when I originall doube-clicked the alias on my desktop when the trash was emtying the Finder or whatever confused the folder in the trash (where i found the iPod back up folder intact) with the "WB" folder on the iMac which I found in the trash also with only one subfolder instead of the 20 it should've contained.

I think something got confused when I clicked that Alias and it switched freom seeing the iPod's "WB" folder and started emptying the iMAc's WB" folder even though it was in the Documents folder.

Best Guess anyway.

Suggestion, when copying or emptying, "DON"T touch ANYTHING" if it is your back-up transfer!!

Luckily I only lost a small amount and am cursing myself for not buying a Utlity app when I was thinking about it last week.

Anyone know the best for protecting del;eted files for OSX Jaguar/Panther (soon) TEchTool or DiskWarrior??

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