Safari Slowdown/Timing Out/Excessive CPU usage

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I've deleted the Safari cache in ~/Library/Cache, I've repaired permissions and I've restarted, but Safari is still using a whole loada CPU % (Activity Monitor says 50-60%) and I don't see why. I normally open all AI forums in tabs in one window, and browse the rest of the Net in tabs in another window (broadband, heh). But, I've never had slowdown before. Sometimes now, it won't load a page and times out after 60secs. F**K! Now - Just Now the fans came on! Something is wrong somewhere. The fan never comes on in normal use unless something is hung. But this has been going on for days. And I'm getting normal download speeds of 30-80kbps

What's Wrong? \


number of times I've tried to submit this and it timed out: 5


  • Reply 1 of 7
    blestblest Posts: 24member
    hate to sound like a rude kinda guy but its reasons like these that i stuck with mozilla on all my platforms.

    if your still stuck on safari i wish you the best of luck.
  • Reply 2 of 7
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Wow, way to help the guy out there... :P

    It's not Safari, I suspect, since this isn't exactly a wide-spread problem. Look for another task that's network related, but chomping up CPU time. In my case, I had been running mlMac for a while, and it went boom - but the daemon, mlnet, kept going... and going... and going... and was chewing up 80%+ of CPU and damned near all the bandwidth it could grab... without actually getting anything.

    Sounds *exactly* like the problems I had when this was occurring.
  • Reply 3 of 7

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Wow, way to help the guy out there... :P

    It's not Safari, I suspect, since this isn't exactly a wide-spread problem. Look for another task that's network related, but chomping up CPU time. In my case, I had been running mlMac for a while, and it went boom - but the daemon, mlnet, kept going... and going... and going... and was chewing up 80%+ of CPU and damned near all the bandwidth it could grab... without actually getting anything.

    Sounds *exactly* like the problems I had when this was occurring.

    Actually, you're right, its not Safari. I've just tried my Camino and it won't connect to the Homepage *at all*. So I've got network problems? What cold it possibly be? Activity Monitor doesn't seem to show anything obvious, but then I don't really know what I'm looking for. Iv'e got Poisoned and its been a bit screwy recently, where would I be able to find, kill and stamp on repeatedly- ahem a misbehaving daemon for this?
  • Reply 4 of 7
    camino rox
  • Reply 5 of 7

    Originally posted by mattjohndrow

    camino rox

    Thanks for the input there dude.
  • Reply 6 of 7
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by SonOfSylvanus

    Actually, you're right, its not Safari. I've just tried my Camino and it won't connect to the Homepage *at all*. So I've got network problems? What cold it possibly be? Activity Monitor doesn't seem to show anything obvious, but then I don't really know what I'm looking for. Iv'e got Poisoned and its been a bit screwy recently, where would I be able to find, kill and stamp on repeatedly- ahem a misbehaving daemon for this?

    In Activity Monitor, try showing All Processes, Hierarchically, then clicking on the % CPU. That will let you see everything that's going on, as well as any subtasks that apps may have spawned.
  • Reply 7 of 7

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    In Activity Monitor, try showing All Processes, Hierarchically, then clicking on the % CPU. That will let you see everything that's going on, as well as any subtasks that apps may have spawned.

    Thats what I have open. But WindowServer, kernel_task, pmTool are the only ones that register CPU % usage (above 0.00)?and they're normal, right?

    Would a Clean Install of my Home folder help or is the problem contained in my Home Volume d'you think?

    Will FileVault F**k Up a Clean Install?

    [Edit] Activity monitor says that Safari has caused *thousands* of faults is that normal? (In Activity Window, choose Safari, then click Inspect, then click Statistics)

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