adc student discount
I am currently a grad student. I heard of this dev discount for hardware. Can anyone tell me if you have to be a compsci major to get the discount? or can you join the student adc for $99, than are free to make purchases? any info would be appreciated.
(bring out the new powerbooks apple!)
(bring out the new powerbooks apple!)
Monthly CD mailings of developer kits, latest tool updates, etc.
Quarterly DVD mailings of everything up until that point.
Annual full copies of MacOS X (ie, Jaguar, Panther, etc).
A once-in-a-lifetime hardware discount on one system. Prices are pretty darned good, just took advantage of this myself a few months ago.
did they ask for your class schedule too>? to make sure you had compsci courses?
Thanks. I'm not in compsci classes. I learn on my own.