Dean Hypocrisy: Delegates vs. Popular Vote

in General Discussion edited January 2014
How Now Brown Cow

In yet another example of Deanism, aka if you don't like the rules, change them, Dean has said his campaign will not focus on necessarily winning the vote in each state, but instead suggested he would focus on garnering the most delegates for the convention.

Lets look at this gem...


Dr. Dean's second-place showing in New Hampshire left him with 9 delegates to Senator John Kerry's 13, but he leads the delegate race because of pledges from elected officials and others known as superdelegates.

But wait... aren't elections won and positions only claimed by means of the popular vote. Certainly Dean must know that it isn't about the electoral... I mean delegate count.

I'm actually hoping Dean does well enough to have his convention challenge. I want to set my VCR and record all the nice Deaniacs discussing why the popular vote doesn't matter, and delegates do.

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