Configure postfix for OS X10.3

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I want to be able to send and receive mail from the command line (terminal) somehow. I have a simple .mac mail account I use daily. I still want to use too.

I assume I need something like sendmail or postfix (from the terminal) to send and receive mail? Orcan I use a simple mail client like pine instead of postfix?

Do I really have to make my Mac a mail SERVER just to be able to send and receive mail from the command line (ala a mail client)?

Can you point me in the right direction on how to get started please?

(note: starting in 10.3, sendmail is no longer the default mail server. Apple now uses postfix)


  • Reply 1 of 4

    Originally posted by dstranathan

    I want to be able to use Apple's (in the GUI) AND postfix (from the terminal) to send and receive mail using my .mac account. Can you point me in the right direction on how to get started please?

    (note: starting in 10.3, sendmail is no longer the default mail server. Apple now uses postfix)

    get "Postfix enabler" it will take care of you.

    you'll have to find the link yourself though.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    no, you shouldn't need a full server (sendmail or postfix) to get mail. it might get a little sticky around sending mail. if i recall with accuracy, pine and similar command line mail clients try to use /sbin/sendmail to do the actual mail sending. haven't tried it out in a bit though, so i can't say fer certain. and i might be getting myself crossed with a program i wrote myself around the time i started learning pine.

    you can test pine pretty easily if you have fink (sudo apt-get install pine; pine). try it out. if u dont have fink, u may to have to build it (which isn't terribly difficult, though daunting to some).
  • Reply 3 of 4
    I used Fink Commnader to download pine. I installed it using the "build" commands. It is now installed and it runs, but I cant seem to be able to configure it to send or receive...
  • Reply 4 of 4

    Originally posted by dstranathan

    I used Fink Commnader to download pine. I installed it using the "build" commands. It is now installed and it runs, but I cant seem to be able to configure it to send or receive...

    you should of used Postfix enabler

    I don't know much about setting up a mail server, and i used Postfix Enabler and it set me up with a send recieve mail server in about 3 minutes.
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