TFT-Prices lowered further?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I wonder if we will see the price of Apple`s TFT displays dropped significantly *again* in January.


  • Reply 1 of 16
    4fx4fx Posts: 258member
    Wouldnt surprise me, they have done it pretty much consistantly since the release of the Cinema Display. It would be nice to pay under $600 for a monitor. And even better if the higher end ones get lowered.
  • Reply 2 of 16
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Last I heard, TFT prices were close to bottoming out.
  • Reply 3 of 16
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    They seem to be bottoming out. Prices haven't moved noticibly in the past month or two.
  • Reply 4 of 16
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    I think they NEED to come down. Look, if Apple really is pushing for TFT to become the standard (since they don't make CRT's anymore I have to assume so)....then prices will HAVE to come down. $999 for 17" monitor? That's a whore!
  • Reply 5 of 16
    It's harder to make a good LCD than it is to make a good CRT. Apple's monitors are excellent. Just give the market a little more time to mature just like the CRTs did, and you'll have cheap, efficient, effective monitors available. Apple's aren't quite cheap enough yet.
  • Reply 6 of 16
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by SDW2001:

    <strong>I think they NEED to come down. Look, if Apple really is pushing for TFT to become the standard (since they don't make CRT's anymore I have to assume so)....then prices will HAVE to come down. $999 for 17" monitor? That's a whore!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    what you fail to take into consideration is that

    1.) Apple produces arguable the best LCD displays on the market

    2.) LCDs are not cheap

    3.) Apple's prices are inline with the competition.
  • Reply 7 of 16
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    what you fail to take into consideration is that

    1.) Apple produces arguable the best LCD displays on the market

    2.) LCDs are not cheap

    3.) Apple's prices are inline with the competition.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Good points, applenut. Although I haven't used Apple displays yet (though I will) I hear that they are great. LCD's prices aren't cheap and Apple's prices are relatively competitive.

    I didn't fail to take that into consideration though. In reality, if all you are offering is LCD's then prices need to reach the point where people can afford them. Although, if our "luxury brand argument " holds true tan the prices might stay. I still hope they come down though......
  • Reply 8 of 16
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Apple's LCD's are the only things that Apple has that aren't overpriced (and also the iBook). I can't see the prices coming down for a while.
  • Reply 9 of 16
    apple`s TFT`s aren`t overpriced. that`s one more reason to believe Apple will lower prices when the whole industry lowers TFT prices.
  • Reply 10 of 16
    the 17inch LCD is super nice. I was hesitant at first because i didn't think the colour accuracy would be that great, but this is awesome. So nice to work on for 8 hours a day. Can't wait till i've the dollars to grab a cinema display.
  • Reply 11 of 16
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    I may have implied they were overpriced, but that wasn't intentional. What I am saying that whether they are technically overpriced or not based on the rest of the industry, the prices will have to come down in order for the general public to adopt them on a large scale.

    And, I DO think there is room left to go down. Look at Gateway, which is offering a Pentium 4 PC with a 15" flat screen and a printer for $999. Apple's flat screen (15") is $499 alone. Bundle that with their cheapest stand alone desktop and your at $2198!

    But I suppose that is why Apple is making money and Gateway is not! In any case, my hope is that they come down. I am going to lay it alll our for a nice tower and 17-18" Apple display next year. But, $999 for a 17" is a bit tough. Perhaps we will agree that the larger ones will come down?
  • Reply 12 of 16
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Gateway's just trying to sell. That's why all their prices are so low.
  • Reply 13 of 16
    i had the `pleasure` to work with a &lt;500$ 15" TFT... garbage!! nit at all a pleasure for my eyes.

    there are big differences in quality. apple`s displays are quality but all of us would love equal inches per $ like for CRTs don`z we?
  • Reply 14 of 16
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    I think right now Apple would be better off offerinf instant rebates on their LCDs when bought with a mac and it should be that way in the future.

    oh wait, they are doing that
  • Reply 15 of 16
    Just to clarify apple doesn't "produce" thier monitors. They buy the best that they can find and still get a good deal on, put them in their own cases and then they hook them up to the ADC connector. Granted they are slightly pricy considering that they aren't much different than some of the others, but you also reduce cables by using the Apple monitors. You no longer need a power cable and a USB hub if you pick up an ADC monitor, if you take that add the high quality monitor and the Apple name you get the price.
  • Reply 16 of 16
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by snitty:

    <strong>Just to clarify apple doesn't "produce" thier monitors. They buy the best that they can find and still get a good deal on, put them in their own cases and then they hook them up to the ADC connector. Granted they are slightly pricy considering that they aren't much different than some of the others, but you also reduce cables by using the Apple monitors. You no longer need a power cable and a USB hub if you pick up an ADC monitor, if you take that add the high quality monitor and the Apple name you get the price.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    ah... but Apple made a very large deal/investment in Samsung several years ago to insure they got a good supply of high quality LCDs. And while they may not make the LCD itself they still are responsible for many of the reasons that their LCDs are so good. The design is stellar. They look gorgeous, take up little desk space, etc. the only complaint I have heard is that they don't flip into portrait mode. Does anyone really use that?

    and second they do a great job as far as connections. ADC produces a beautiful picture and USB is great. They also integrate the display controls into the OS for adjustments which is great.

    and are they also not responsible for the backlighting implementation which in my experience has been on of the best parts of their displays
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