The Wharton School...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Any opinions on getting an MBA from Wharton?

or on being successful in business?

I suppose it would be nice to get a fat paycheck from an employer but if you OWN the business, aren't you DA MAN???


  • Reply 1 of 2
    um, its supposedly the best (or second best) in the country. i actually am a grad student at penn but have really no interest in getting an MBA let alone think one is necessary for success, but then again i dont think networking is something i would ever want to do.

    its a good place to start out i guess and since you are only in philly for a short 2.5 years you dont have to deal with how sucky this place is.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    o-maco-mac Posts: 777member
    Hahaha...I was born grew up and stil live in the Philly area...I hear you though..there's not much going on here in Philly...I'm basically just weighing out my career options...
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