iMac good for web development?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
My Combo 700 iMac is on order. One issue I've been somewhat concerned about is the screen maximum resolution of 1024x768. Is this enough to do web development?

Stuff like GoLive, Dreamweaver and Flash? Obviously a larger screen would be nice and since the iMac supports only mirroring, adding another monitor really doesn't help.

Anyone here use these programs on their new iMac?


BTW, is it just me or is this forum really quiet these days?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    Would you cancel your order if we said 'No'? ;-)

    Really, it's fine though. This isn't one of those things where a large screen is mandatory. It's more of a luxury. I run two displays at 1600x1024 for my development. I do human interface design work, but most of the stuff is for web based deployment, be it HTML or Flash. Two years ago I was still running at 1152x870, and it was fine.

    It's sort of a generic question to ask... I mean, really, what are the minimum requirements for a web development system? Look at the minimum requirements for Flash or Photoshop or BBEdit Anyhow, you'd be happier on a larger display, but you take what you can get, you know?
  • Reply 2 of 4
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    [quote]Originally posted by M3D Jack:

    <strong>Would you cancel your order if we said 'No'? ;-)


    Thanks for your response. My web development won't be that extensive anyways so I shouldn't really concern myself. be honest, I've also been looking at a refurb Ti instead and hooking that up to an external display for maximum screen real estate.

    You know how we all want the latest thing and the iMac is a sweet looking machine. It's probably faster than an older Ti anyways.

    Yes, it's always nice to have more. I only wished Apple didn't cripple the extended desktop feature in the iMacs. If it wasn't, I'd have the best of both worlds.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    I remember doing design on 640x480 with 1000s of colours and no layers in PS...

    Somehow I got by just fine... Can't imagine how...
  • Reply 4 of 4
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    Not to be picky but "web development" is mainly the coding of web pages. Like writing database queries, dynamic content, that sort of thing. To write code, 1024x768 should be just fine.

    If you're talking about making web images, layout and that sort of thing than you're talking about Web Design.

    I'm a web developer and I hate when people say "oh you design web pages?". No, I write applications that work through a web browser. Someone else worries about how it looks
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