Using LiveText (education software) on a Mac?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
I have a friend that wants to switch to a Mac but there is one major hitch. He's going to be a teacher soon and he's been told that he'll need to use a web application called LiveText. He tells me that it does work with Macs but that his advisor has told him that it's wretched running on Macs and to stick to using Windows. Does anybody here have experience using this program? Are there any ways around the problems? What should I tell him to convince him that it'll be safe to go ahead and get a mac?

Thank you for any help that you can provide.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    Have you seen the following from


    Does LiveText work on a Mac?

    Yes. Mac members can create, share, review, etc. portfolios, projects like teacher web pages and Web Quests, units, lesson plans, and assessments. Right now, our Mac members use a text box set to plain text mode to author/edit their work. When starting from professors' templates, it is important that the original author make the document Mac-friendly by not formatting their original text, ensuring that no HTML tags are present in the text, and ensuring each section is set to plain text mode. They can verify/do this by finalizing their templates as a last step on a Mac or on Netscape. (Instead of bold, underline, italics, resized fonts, system generated bullets, they capitalize letters for emphasis and use hyphen or asterisk as typed bullets for lists.)

    We're testing a Mac HTML editor (a word processor -like feature) that we expect to be turned on for Mac members during in late March or in April. It uses Internet Explorer 5.0 or later and requires a download of a small Java applet/program the first time it is used on a machine. This takes just a few seconds/minutes depending on the speed of your connection. This Mac HTML editor is different that the one that our Windows-platform members use. We've made it very similar in case members need to jump back and forth. It will have buttons on a tool bar for formatting, for Inserting LiveText Links, and for checking spelling among the usual features.

    Netscape will still be a plain text box on both Windows and Mac platforms for now.

  • Reply 2 of 2
    yeah. I saw that and showed it to my friend and he said that the problem was with the word processing not being comparable to the windows version as far as hyperlinking. Which I guess will be updated around late March-April. Does anybody here have any experience using the current version of LiveText?
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