iPhoto, OPhoto, it's so confusing!! Help please...

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014

I bought an iBook for my mother who lives in london last year (I live in Boston). She is about as low end as low end can be, and only knows how to do precisely what I have shown her to do. She knows yahoo mail, streaming radio stations, and printing documents.

I bought her a digital camera for her birthday, and am going to give it to her when I meet her in florida next week for a few days. The problem is this:

I have learned (the hard way!) that it is suicide to show her more than one way of doing something. I once tried to explain that there are many ways to eject a CD, and spent the next week on the phone, trying to undo the damage that I had done to her world.

So, I would like her to be able to print photos on her printer, order them online, share them online (web gallery) and very basic editing (red-eye and crop).

I can't seem to find a SINGLE way for her to do all of the above in the UK. iPhoto does not yet offer prints in the UK, and even when it does, will give her no way (short of paying for .mac) for her to share them. Ophoto does indeed offer free web sharing, prints, and pretty nasty but still workable red-eye reduction and cropping. What it does not give her is a way to print the photos locally to her printer.

Please could someone recommend to me the simplest way to get her up and running on these things. Using iPhoto for just editing and local printing is no good because all the other options will confuse her, and it moves all of the pics into its owb directory structure and she will never be able to find them to upload to ophoto.

If I opt to not use iphoto, the answer would be Ophoto with some form of REALLY basic editor with bi buttons for crop and red eye (think iphoto minus the other crap). Does that exist? I do not relish the idea of teaching her Photoshop elements.

HELP!!! I have a week to figure it out...

Thanks much.



  • Reply 1 of 3
    mmmpiemmmpie Posts: 628member
    From my experience doing exactly these sort of things...

    Use iPhoto, it is pretty easy.

    If you can get access to a web site which offers webdav access, then the export website function in iPhoto works ok ( not very pretty - but functional ). Its probably too painful for dailup ( have to reupload the whole thing every time you export ).

    Ive found that just being able to select one or photos and click the email button more than satisfies most peoples desires to share stuff around.

    For the printing, you can set her up with you iphoto account, and get it sent to you, to forward to her. A bit convoluted. Once again, most people I know are more than happy once they can email photos.

    Take it one step at a time. She will probably have a hard enough time with the camera.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Thanks for the reply!

    I think that you are right about iPhoto, but that leaves a couple of questions...

    I have her set up on yahoo mail (web based), so for the 'e-mail picture' to work, would I need to move her over (very scary) to apple mail?

    Also, has anybody here installed the US version of ilife 04 and used it in the UK? In other words, if I give her my US version, will it pick up the UK photo store when it comes online next month? Are they the same version, or are they localized?

    Thanks much for the info!!

  • Reply 3 of 3
    proxyproxy Posts: 232member

    Originally posted by maninmac

    Also, has anybody here installed the US version of ilife 04 and used it in the UK? In other words, if I give her my US version, will it pick up the UK photo store when it comes online next month? Are they the same version, or are they localized?


    I'm pretty sure that we get exactly the same version as the US does. Hang on I'll check on the DVD..the part no. (on the bottom right of the DVD) is 2Z691-4714-A if that's any help.

    At the moment I just select the pics I want in iPhoto and email them to my online photo service which I then have to log into and choose them...blah blah. For your mum I'd probably hold back for the Apple's print service to come active in europe next month. It was promised for March but nothing more specific.
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