iBook out to Studio Monitor / TV?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I'm in the UK.

I was thinking of buying a 933MHz iBook, and was wondering if I can output the screen to

a) My existing CRT 21" Studio Monitor

b) A (PAL) TV

Thanks in advance for any answers...


  • Reply 1 of 8
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member
    A VGA monitor should be no problem.

    It'll work fine with a PAL TV (you may have to choose between 50Hz/60Hz in the Apple Menu->System Prefrences->Displays, but if you have a modern TV it shouldn't matter).

    If you want the external display to show a different image to the internal one, you'll have to apply the iBook Display Spanning Hack. I think it's still relevant to newer iBooks. Someone else should be able to fill you in if you're interested.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    Cheers--is the one I have (the huge weighty 21" CRT) VGA, then? It plugs into my Mac via a USB port and another one...sorry, dunno the name of that...
  • Reply 3 of 8
    gabidgabid Posts: 477member
    Just to add, you'll need to buy an extra adaptor so that you can output to a TV (the one for VGA is included) if you have one of the recent iBooks. Which model do you have?
  • Reply 4 of 8
    jobjob Posts: 420member

    Originally posted by Gabid

    Which model do you have?

    Looking at his first post, I'd guess he has the 933Mhz model.
  • Reply 5 of 8
    gabidgabid Posts: 477member

    Originally posted by job

    Looking at his first post, I'd guess he has the 933Mhz model.

    Serves me right for reading posts before bedtime

    Anyhow, the adaptor is called the Apple Video Adaptor. Unfortunately, I can't find it on the Apple UK Store. It is mentioned on the iBook product page, however.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member
    Aaargh! You can't link to Apple Store items...

    From http://www.apple.com/ukstore, under "Apple Accessories" on the left, it's £15 for the S-Video/composite adapter, the VGA adapter is £17.63.

    Does the iBook come with either of these adapters ?
  • Reply 7 of 8
    gabidgabid Posts: 477member

    Originally posted by Stoo

    Aaargh! You can't link to Apple Store items...

    From http://www.apple.com/ukstore, under "Apple Accessories" on the left, it's £15 for the S-Video/composite adapter, the VGA adapter is £17.63.

    Does the iBook come with either of these adapters ?

    Man, I'm having bad luck. I thought I looked there but I guess I skipped that section. Anyhow, the Apple Video Adapter for 15 quid is what you want. It does not come with the iBook. This will let you connect to your TV (just the video signal) with your choice of a composite cable (RCA/the yellow one) or an S-Video cable. To get audio, you'll need a stereo miniplug to RCA cable that goes from your headphone jack out to your TV. Want an external monitor? Use the VGA adapter. It comes with the iBook.

    Oh, and as for the spanning hack, voices around the Internet seem to suggest that it works, though I have not tried it myself.

    And, yes, this all works quite well. I use both adapters with my iBook and have had no problems. As an aside, outputting DVDs to a TV is no much nicer under Panther than it was under Jaguar since Apple decied to bring back the "overscan" option.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    Thanks for all the help!

    I did indeed buy the iBook, and all works great--no problems connecting to my studio monitor with the included adapter. I also applied the spanning hack with no problems whatsoever.

    I'll splash out on the other adapter as soon as I get a new TV.

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