Multi Interface Support with Core Audio
When will Core Audio support multiple third party digital audio interfaces? Found out [by accident] that Core Audio only supports ONE digital audio interface with Logic Audio Platinum 6.3.3 and
M-Audio's Delta 1010's. You can use multiple interfaces [up to four] using ASIO with OS-9.2.2, but only one with OS-X 10.2x and 10.3x.
What's up wit dat? When do you think this will be addressed in Core Audio? Is it the System software that needs to be upgraded, the Logic Audio application, CPU hardware, interface drivers or all of the above needs attention to function as requested? Whatever you can find out would be most appreciated. Thought we could get multi interfaces working with OS-X. Bam. Not going to work. OUCH that hurt. They would never tell you that. You have to discover these things on your own. Boy it hurts BAD. Still using 9x to operate multi interface digital audio on the Mac with M-Audio Delta 1010's. Thanks everybody for listening. All the best!
M-Audio's Delta 1010's. You can use multiple interfaces [up to four] using ASIO with OS-9.2.2, but only one with OS-X 10.2x and 10.3x.
What's up wit dat? When do you think this will be addressed in Core Audio? Is it the System software that needs to be upgraded, the Logic Audio application, CPU hardware, interface drivers or all of the above needs attention to function as requested? Whatever you can find out would be most appreciated. Thought we could get multi interfaces working with OS-X. Bam. Not going to work. OUCH that hurt. They would never tell you that. You have to discover these things on your own. Boy it hurts BAD. Still using 9x to operate multi interface digital audio on the Mac with M-Audio Delta 1010's. Thanks everybody for listening. All the best!