A skeptic's review of the iPod mini

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Of all the threads on the iPm, there doesn't appear to be a unified place for hands on reviews. The discussion about its mass appeal does not seem to fit the bill. Mods, it's your call.

I have been on record as a doubter of this unit's mass appeal. I would like to be the first to officially eat crow. My 3G iPod started having problems about a month ago. I simply waited until something else came out before replacing it. I have the CompUSA replacement plan that covers everything including accidental damage. Anyone who buys Applecare is cheating themselves out of real coverage. But that is another thread. Anyway. I could have traded it in for the 15 Gig model. The problem is that I absolutely despise the 3G design. You cannot do blind operation of the unit because lightly touching a button activates a function. I listen to audio books from audible.com. That is my primary use for the iPod. An attempt to pause playback inevitably jumps to the end of the program. Now I have to find my place in a six to eight hour program. Trying to make on-the-go playlists was also a pain.

Enter the iPod mini...

The click wheel alone was enough to make me trade down for the iPm. The simple fact is that I just don't need a prodigious library with me at all times. Also, I believe, (though I hate to admit it), the colors and the anodized aluminum had a powerful subconscious effect. I have a G3 800 iBook and all that white plastic gets tiresome. I wanted green but they were out. So I got one of the last blues and considered myself lucky.


It finally feels right. By that, I mean that It doesn't feel bigger than it has to be. It is the right proportion for the hand and pocket. It has enough weight to remind you that you are holding something important and expensive, but not enough to bother you.


Is it possible for it to sound better than the original? If it is, It does. Imagine the sound from a $10,000 entertainment system. Now imagine what it would be like to get that sound from a pocket portable. The pocket portable would probably sound better in a subjective way than the larger system because you don't expect such big sound from such a small package. That is what the iPm is like.


Blind operation has returned to the iPod. To work its basic functions, all you to need know is the orientation of the machine. The buttons are not so stiff as to give you problems. But they are stiff enough so as to avoid accidental presses. No more losing my place in an audio book.


As with most Apple products, it is a lot more impressive in person than it is in the pictures or verbal descriptions. The belt clip is one of the biggest boosts to the aesthetics of this product. It is a solid clip that holds the iPm snugly in place. There is absolutely no need for a case. You don't have to worry about protecting it from the riggers of everyday life. You don't have to hide it out of fear. You can now proudly display it, touch it, use it the way it was intended to be used. Anyone who puts this thing in a case ought to be shot. In so many ways, putting this player in a case defeats the purpose. Though I do not have one, I imagine the armband is also a great way to show it off.


The iPm is just fine. The iPod standard is in serious trouble. There will have to be serious feature enhancements for me to ever consider going back. It would need to become a picture viewer that syncs with iPhoto, and perhaps a video viewer as well. It will have to become significantly more than just a music player because the iPm now covers that ground perfectly.

The iPod is dead. Long live the iPod mini.


  • Reply 1 of 32
    I agree with most of your comments. However, I don't think Hitachi can provide 40 GB for the microdrive in the near future. I suspect perhaps a max of 10-15 with a dual disc version which would make the mini 3/4 of inch think rather than half an inch. So, the larger iPod will continue to have advantages. I suspect that there will be a major design upgrade of the larger version with the new solid click wheel added instead of the current design. Also the screen will be larger and the iPod may actually be smaller in height as well. Only time will tell.
  • Reply 2 of 32
    Size: Although at first glance and from what pictures you may have seen online, the iPod mini seems "not that much smaller" than the current iPod. In reality, it is not really that much smaller! But, the 3G iPod is small as it is, that the iPod mini being even smaller, makes it unreasonably small, yet still insanely functional. Stand an iPod mini up to a mini DV tape, and you'll be impressed.

    Actual Feel: The difference between the original iPod and the mini in terms of weight alone is reason enough for runners to buy it. I used to run with the original iPod and if I would try to put it in my pocket, it would either pull my pants down or swing dangerously. The ladies would like me to keep on using the original iPod, but he mini is better for those of us who are self conscious about our manhood, among other things. By placing the iPod mini on your arm for running with the optional armband, you wont know its there. It is an incredible feeling to be running and hearing music, but not even have a constant reminder from the source itself, that the music is being played from it. It is like weightless music. I took the mini to school with me, with no case. I just dropped it into my jean's pocket and off I went. Hardly any noticeable weight, and nearly zero bulk.

    Construction/Design: The mini is really well protected in its aluminum shell, it has picked up no scratches or blemishes of any kind to its body. The only concern I have, is that the scroll whell is prone to getting dirty, because I must have had pencil lead on my finger, which rubbed onto the scroll wheel. I rubbed off the mark in time, so it didnt stain, but it is something to be careful about. Wash your hands before using the mini! I havent dropped it yet, thank god. I hope I never do, but I feel confident that if I did accidentally happen to fumble the mini, it is made out of a resilient grade aluminum and it wouldnt break.

    Price/Value: Obviously, this is the most touchy of all of the subjects surrounding the iPod mini. For me, there is no question that the price was well worth it for the product. I am able to go running with the iPod mini now, and not have to worry about dropping it or switching the hands that hold it as I run. It can slip into my pocket and it wont pick up scratches or blemishes. Maybe the only thing I miss is being able to covertly check out my hair in the reflective mirror of the old iPod. As many people may say, the difference of 11 GB's just wont allow them to spend $50 less. For those people it is understandable that they would feel like that. If I were not as active and on-the-go as I am, I would not buy an iPod mini.

    Conclusion: So far the experience I have had with the mini really outdoes my original iPod experience. I am not able to carry as many songs, but I also only listen to so many. Portability may come at a slight premium but as far as Apple's players go, the most portable one is the least expensive option. I would encourage anyone to go see it for themselves to get an idea of the fit and finish, that Apple is famous for, and the mini is no exception to Ive's wonderous design skills. I truely believe this iPod mini is going to be the reason why Apple retains its lead in digital music, now and into the foreseeable future.
  • Reply 3 of 32

    Originally posted by MacsRGood4U

    I agree with most of your comments. However, I don't think Hitachi can provide 40 GB for the microdrive in the near future. I suspect perhaps a max of 10-15 with a dual disc version which would make the mini 3/4 of inch think rather than half an inch. So, the larger iPod will continue to have advantages. I suspect that there will be a major design upgrade of the larger version with the new solid click wheel added instead of the current design. Also the screen will be larger and the iPod may actually be smaller in height as well. Only time will tell.

    I think it is time we all be a little more realistic about capacity. Remember when portable music meant a radio? How much music could you listen to in a day? 100 songs? The came the cassette and CD walkman. Now how many could you listen to on a given outing? If you tried real hard, could you listen to 200 songs? How many could anyone realistically carry with them? 3-5 CDs?

    The iPod mini can hold 100 CDs, 1000 songs. How many days would it take for you to listen to them all? How much time do you spend away from your computer? A day? Two? The battery only lasts eight to ten hours. Your battery will die long before you run out of music. 100 CDs is more than anyone should own. 40 Gig represents 1000 CDs. How many months do you plan to be away from your computer before syncing your iPod? Are you beginning to see my point? The capacity of the iPm is still overkill. In the old days, how much music could a professional DJ bring to a party? Now compare that to the capacity of a 40 Gig behemoth.

    In my opinion, the larger iPods have a hard time justifying themselves as a simple music player. Even the iPm needs a voice recorder to help justify its capacity. Even if you had a forty hour battery, the iPm is still overkill. I believe that more people are going to start seeing this for themselves and opt for the better designed iPm. Time will tell.
  • Reply 4 of 32
    I have no problem with the mini. It holds enough songs for my needs (that's why I purchased it). But others want the flexibility of more capacity. 1000 songs is possible but only if you use 128 kbps. The music I listen to doesn't sound good at that bit rate. So, I get considerably less. For my daily walk-excersize it fits the bill. I'm just saying tha higher capacity mini's will come eventually, but because of limitations the microdrive won't match the mini drive in capacity. But, time will tell.
  • Reply 5 of 32

    Originally posted by MacsRGood4U

    I have no problem with the mini. It holds enough songs for my needs (that's why I purchased it). But others want the flexibility of more capacity. 1000 songs is possible but only if you use 128 kbps. The music I listen to doesn't sound good at that bit rate. So, I get considerably less. For my daily walk-excersize it fits the bill. I'm just saying tha higher capacity mini's will come eventually, but because of limitations the microdrive won't match the mini drive in capacity. But, time will tell.

    I know and I understand. I use to say the exact same thing. Even so. Let's say you can only get 500 songs on it. 500 songs!! 50 CDs!! What would you think if you actually saw someone lugging around 50 CDs? You would probably think they need to get a life. The iPm allows you to do that more stylishly but it is still overkill. Your battery will still die before your music runs out. You would still need more than a forty hour battery to listen to 500 songs. Taking 500 songs with you everywhere you go is a little like taking a closet full of clothes with you everywhere you go. Even if you could, why would you want to? Make the case for 500 songs in your pocket. Scratch that. You don't have to. It is just a soapbox of mine. I believe it is marketing hype that tells people they needs thousands upon thousands of songs with them at all times because you never know when you're going to get into that sixties groove. It is a little like people who are convinced they need a 10 GH PC. There are very few professional and even fewer consumer applications for 10,000, 1000, even 500 songs. But perhaps I am beating a dead horse. The marketing of Giga capacity may have already won the day.
  • Reply 6 of 32
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    I want the larger capacity of the iPod because of it's ability to be a portable hard drive AND because I want to have a music library available to me. No, I won't be able to listen to my whole music collection before recharging, but most of the time when I'm out and about I don't know what I want to listen to beforehand. Most of the time I say to myself, "I think I want to listen to *this* now." If I was constantly having to think about all that stuff ahead of time, it'd get irritating.
  • Reply 7 of 32
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    I have just returned from my first outing with the iPm. I am now officially a sycophant, iPm fanatic. I will evangelize for this product. I will become annoying. This is my third iPod and my umpteenth mp3 player. It simply does potable music better than any other device I have used to date. Add a voice recorder to it and drop it to $199.00 and it will rule the world.
  • Reply 8 of 32
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    anyone gotten one to freeze yet?
  • Reply 9 of 32

    anyone gotten one to freeze yet

    Not mine. I do live in Florida, however.
  • Reply 10 of 32
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member
    Price / performance?

    I have a 1G 5GB moving-wheel pod. £bazillion.

    No. Contest.
  • Reply 11 of 32
    Yeah, its easy to become annoyingly fanatical about this product. I love it and went out and bought a $15 prepaid card at Target so my Dad wont get mad at me for using his card. Ahh, I love music.
  • Reply 12 of 32
    Do I even have to say a word?

    Just look at it

    And btw... it is just amazing

  • Reply 13 of 32
    I have a green mini also. They're in short supply at the moment. I understand that most of the stores only got a handful of 'em. I took mine on a walk through a local mall this afternoon. I should add I don't use the ear buds but a Sony behind the ear phone. Much more comfortable. Anyway I walked into the local record store and the clerk did a double take. He gave me the finger... well, actually the come here finger. He asked "is that it?". I said, "Yup". I took it off my belt and showed it to him. He thought it was fantastic. My trip through the mall didn't get many looks as people were too busy minding their kids or in a rush. By summer there are going to be a lot of people wearing them. Could probably make a fortune selling mock-ups that don't really work but sell cheap for $25 or so!!
  • Reply 14 of 32
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    You guys might really change my mind on this. I do admit I'm liking the small size and honestly I tend to listen to my favorite songs over and over meaning I could easily deal with 4GB as opposed to 15GB. The size and "fit n finish" of the iPm is outstanding. Hmmmmmmm now what color?
  • Reply 15 of 32

    Originally posted by Paul

    anyone gotten one to freeze yet?

    Yes. I paused a song and put into hold. For the record, this happens to my iPod 50% of the time too. I guess in runs in the family.
  • Reply 16 of 32
    Ya you guys are making strong points as to why the iPm is going to take over. I always thought that anything under 20 gigs was too small for me, but now that I think about what I will be using the iPm for, it makes perfect sense to have only a 4 gig drive. And lets not forget, they are the sweetest looking things around. I cant wait to get my own.
  • Reply 17 of 32
    As a point of interest, Silver seems to be the best-selling color. Although not scientific by any means, here is the ranking currently at Amazon.com (2/22)"

    #5 Gold

    #4 Green (my color)

    #3 Blue

    #2 Pink (!!!)

    #1 Silver
  • Reply 18 of 32
    I want a Blue. Damn credit card is maxed out.
  • Reply 19 of 32
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by MacsRGood4U

    As a point of interest, Silver seems to be the best-selling color. Although not scientific by any means, here is the ranking currently at Amazon.com (2/22)"

    #5 Gold

    #4 Green (my color)

    #3 Blue

    #2 Pink (!!!)

    #1 Silver

    In all fairness to the other colors, the silver one was "on sale" when the preorders were open. I think it was $5 cheaper so it may have had the scales tipped in its favor from the beginning. Personally, I may pick up a green one with my b-day money. Decisions, decisions....
  • Reply 20 of 32
    My local Apple Store received more Silver then any other color. Standing on line on Friday, I'd say a quick count showed about 50% of the people were buying silver with blue and pink doing well. They only had 4 green and 4 gold available for sale. Today I was told only Silver remains (natch),
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