MacNETvXXX, a change of focus?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
With all the fuss going 'round discussing Manziones Mac-related articles, I think we all might be missing the bigger picture. Has anyone else noticed how Manzione is quietly turning MacNETv2, more and more into a porn shack? I think it started with some innocent enough pictures in the forums, where said person was showing off partially nude pictures of his "wife". Now check out the desktops section. It's full of pornographic images, and so much so, that they'd even make the cheeks of our own good ol' salmonstk turn to varying colors of red.

I can see it now "MacNETvXXX, your complete guide to all things Mac and all things Pr0n!1!. Not necessarily in that order."


  • Reply 1 of 1
    "Welcome to the sexist desktop site on the Web..."

    Some of these were done by Manzione himself.

    Adjectives fail me.

    "...Each image is created in a high-resolution 1920x1200 pixel size and zipped for fast downloading...We create our desktops in 1920x1200 pixels so that even those of you using Apple?s largest Cinema Display can enjoy sharp and clear desktops."

    "...Many of our users download several desktops and set up their Mac to change desktop images automatically. Fans have told us this is a great way to enjoy several of our desktops and never be bored..."

    Does Manzione's teenage daughter know about this?
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