VPN problem-any Linux or UNIX experts out there?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I am attempting to connect to my office VPN for the first time at home. They are very Windows-centric, and have a PPTP server running the VPN.

I was given a username and password today at work, and once I got home, I popped up Internet Connect (Mac OS X 10.3.2) and entered the URL, username, and password...

It got as far as "negotiating..." and then it cut off, telling me that "authentication failed." I found the PPP log and examined it in Console. Here is what the log says:

Tue Feb 24 19:57:20 2004 : PPTP connecting to server 'SERVER' (xxx.xxx.x.xxx)...

Tue Feb 24 19:57:22 2004 : PPTP connection established.

Tue Feb 24 19:57:22 2004 : Using interface ppp0

Tue Feb 24 19:57:22 2004 : Connect: ppp0 <--> socket[34:17]

Tue Feb 24 19:57:52 2004 : LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests

Tue Feb 24 19:57:52 2004 : Connection terminated.

Tue Feb 24 19:57:52 2004 : PPTP disconnecting...

Tue Feb 24 19:57:52 2004 : PPTP disconnected

Tue Feb 24 20:01:46 2004 : PPTP connecting to server 'SERVER' (xxx.xxx.x.xxx)...

Tue Feb 24 20:01:57 2004 : PPTP connection established.

Tue Feb 24 20:01:57 2004 : Using interface ppp0

Tue Feb 24 20:01:57 2004 : Connect: ppp0 <--> socket[34:17]

Tue Feb 24 20:02:02 2004 : Remote message: Unknown authentication failure: E=691 R=1 C=FFA0B8C3AF325195A34C30712400E1F3 V=3

Tue Feb 24 20:02:02 2004 : CHAP authentication failed

Tue Feb 24 20:02:02 2004 : Connection terminated.

Tue Feb 24 20:02:02 2004 : PPTP disconnecting...

Tue Feb 24 20:02:02 2004 : PPTP disconnected

After looking at google, I found the following very similar error message for a Linux-based pptp client


sent [CHAP Response id=0x0 <...>, name = "domain\\\\\\\\username"]

rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x15973814]

rcvd [CHAP Failure id=0x0 "E=691 R=1 C=... V=3"]

Remote message: E=691 R=1 C=... V=3

CHAP authentication failed

sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "Failed to authenticate ourselves to peer"]

rcvd [LCP TermAck id=0x3 "Failed to authenticate ourselves to peer"]

In Linux, this error code seems to come from formatting the username with too many slashes. Is there anyway I can test the waters with this in Mac OS X? The file /private/etc/ppp/options is blank in my Mac OS X installation, and the log does not seem to be as verbose as the Linux client.

Is there a way to manually tweak the formatting of domain and username in Mac OS X? Or is this a different problem altogether?

Thanks in advance for any advice...
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