Alias To a mapped drive

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Long shot but what the hey...

If I map a drive to Windows server, I can make a desktop alias to the mapped drive. So when I need to use the mapped drive I click on the alias and it connects and then asks me to authenticate and I get my mapped drive.

If I do this same thing but mapping to a NetApp Filer it says the alias is not valid because the target is not longer there (The connected drive is no longer there).

Any have an idea why this would happen?

Thanks in advance


  • Reply 1 of 2
    sroachsroach Posts: 105member
    Let me change this after doing some research..

    Making an alias to a network share sometimes works and some times doesn't. If you reboot and you click on the alias it says " The alias could not be opened, because the original item could not be found"

    This is using SMB:// network share mounts

  • Reply 2 of 2
    sroachsroach Posts: 105member
    So I found the answer for anyone else who might be looking for it..

    Under Directory Access you can configure the protocols that you use, in this case SMB, in advanced setting you can add a WINS server. Took care of my problem..

    Why o' Why doesn't Microsoft play Nice Nice with DNS... it's all we need..
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