who is the "old right" voting for in 2004??

in General Discussion edited January 2014

maybe the repubs should have had a primary...they could have picked someone other than what is looking more and more like a losing horse everyday....



  • Reply 1 of 10
    I dunno...Buchanan hates the neocons and they hate him back. He's been on their case for a while, but the rest of the Republican party (even the old school Repubs) seems to be ignoring his rantings in favor of what they hope is a winning team.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    From the article...


    Fear is what Perle and his co-author David Frum are peddling to stampede America into serial wars.

    Can I just say that agreeing with anything said by Pat Buchanan makes me feel unclean...but he hits the nail on the head more than once w/r/t the modus operandi of the neocons.
  • Reply 3 of 10
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    You know, when I lift my eyes from all the news sources and all the information tht i read, I see a different world . . . I see a world that is completely oblivious to any of Bush's SO OBVIOUSE wrongdoings, sayings and general malfeasance!

    I think he'll still beat whoever . . . and it will be another dark arse day for America

    I mean, I was working out (just rejoined a gym after two years of no excercise), and watching the news, -i don't get cable at home & I never see Fox News- and I was watching some daily show where some 'journalist' went into Iraq (up north near Afghanistan) and interviewed a couple of Al-Qaida prisoners: he was saying how the prisoners told him that Hussain had had these big training camps and was working with Al Qaida . . . I didn't know that it was FOX because, as I said, I don't get to see it, . . . something struck ne immediately by the way in which this man spoke . . . it was clear that he was telling a lie because he was NOT a good teller of lies . . I was ready to believe him except that he mumbled it and was nervous like a child . .

    He may not have been lying directly but he knew that he was propogating something that is completely untrustworthy and unreliable IF NOT an outright lie . . .

    and hence my introduction to what gets passed off as newsworthy on Fox . . . and it seemed just the tip of a constant barrage . .

    So, I think that the rest of the country is mired in this perspective

    and Bush may actually win
  • Reply 4 of 10
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    You know, when I lift my eyes from all the news sources and all the information tht i read, I see a different world . . . I see a world that is completely oblivious to any of Bush's SO OBVIOUSE wrongdoings, sayings and general malfeasance!

    I think he'll still beat whoever . . . and it will be another dark arse day for America

    I mean, I was working out (just rejoined a gym after two years of no excercise), and watching the news, -i don't get cable at home & I never see Fox News- and I was watching some daily show where some 'journalist' went into Iraq (up north near Afghanistan) and interviewed a couple of Al-Qaida prisoners: he was saying how the prisoners told him that Hussain had had these big training camps and was working with Al Qaida . . . I didn't know that it was FOX because, as I said, I don't get to see it, . . . something struck ne immediately by the way in which this man spoke . . . it was clear that he was telling a lie because he was NOT a good teller of lies . . I was ready to believe him except that he mumbled it and was nervous like a child . .

    He may not have been lying directly but he knew that he was propogating something that is completely untrustworthy and unreliable IF NOT an outright lie . . .

    and hence my introduction to what gets passed off as newsworthy on Fox . . . and it seemed just the tip of a constant barrage . .

    So, I think that the rest of the country is mired in this perspective

    and Bush may actually win

    Brave heart pfflam! There's still a lot of anger out there because of the state the country's in. I'm sure if you listen to Fox in sounds like he'll win ( wishful thinking ). Any falsehood perpetrated by Bush & CO. ( or any media lackys ) will be closely scrutinized now. Too much of the truth has already come out.
  • Reply 5 of 10
  • Reply 6 of 10
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    The problem is that too much focus is on the economy . . . and even though we are getting false-positives (such as today it wassaid that forcasts were worse than expected) the economy will rebound some . . . it is part of the cycle . . . I mean, sure Bush is doing everything that he can to make the real effects of his travesty happen many years from now in order to get a quick jump . . . but stil,l it would naturally fluctuate up even a little bit and he will get all the blame because too much pressure has been placed on him for the fault . . .

    The real issues: the war, the propagandizing, the lies about this that and the other, the constant distortions, the loading of the sccientific dice, etc etc . .

    all of that will be ignored . . .
  • Reply 7 of 10
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    What a fvcking joke you guys are. Go ahead...keep believeing that Bush has pissed off everyone. Keep deluding yourself and underestimating him....really....go ahead. I enjoy watching.
  • Reply 8 of 10

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    What a fvcking joke you guys are.

    This is uncalled for.

  • Reply 9 of 10
    and I was watching some daily show where some 'journalist' went into Iraq (up north near Afghanistan) and interviewed a couple of Al-Qaida prisoners: he was saying how the prisoners told him that Hussain had had these big training camps and was working with Al Qaida . .

    get a map! iraq has no boarder with afghanistan.


    i love americans especially when they know where the country

    they are currently bombing actually is.

    mfg sandbender
  • Reply 10 of 10
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by sandbender

    and I was watching some daily show where some 'journalist' went into Iraq (up north near Afghanistan) and interviewed a couple of Al-Qaida prisoners: he was saying how the prisoners told him that Hussain had had these big training camps and was working with Al Qaida . .

    get a map! iraq has no boarder with afghanistan.


    i love americans especially when they know where the country

    they are currently bombing actually is.

    mfg sandbender

    I knew that . ... um . . . I was typing fast and furious
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