It's all about Steves ego

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
In NY he was said to be going off stage quite upset mumbling something like "we flopped big time out there" - and now we'll see if his ego is big enough for a G4 iMac, G5 PowerMac, cheap LCD and pink flying pigs revenge.

Just think - if the hype is up and Apple _does_ deliver ~80% of the rumored stuff, they'll have sales skyrocket for at least 3-5 months. And Steve could go to CES singing "you can't get that with Windows XP on a normal PC" aloud and be all over CNN and stuff. Would be quite a egosatifying experience for him


  • Reply 1 of 4
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    I give him a hard time here, but, honestly, the guy is one of my heroes.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    The bigger his ego, the more powerful his RDF becomes. Remember back in the day when he only used his RDF to steal others ideas, well when he came back to apple, his ego became huge, increasing his RDF 10 fold. So if this macworld bombs, his RDF becomes very weak.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    Heh, it sounds like you're describing a super-hero's special powers. That has got to bolster his ego more than anything else. Every mention of his "reality distortion field" must really make him giddy. You're right though, every rabbit that he actually pulls out of a hat gives him more credibility -- especially if people are hyped up for it. At this rate we're going to see space warping before our eyes next Monday.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    The man should have a big ego. Not only is he the CEO of one of the most influential Computer Companies EVER but he's made Pixar a name synonymous with quality ala Disney. CEO's need to be ego maniacs. Those of us old enough to remember the Michael Spindler days will attest to the fact that reclusive CEO's are NOT good for companies with a culture that of Apple's.
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