I used to think it was an AIM bug because sometimes it won't Hide, with Cmd H, Hide in menu, or on the Dock icon. However iTunes just did this to me. Solution is to restart the app. Weird bug though, anyone else get this?
You're saying it happens intermittently, or after some use? I'm not having this problem myself but I don't hide my apps much. If it's one of those once-every-so-often bugs, I just haven't done it enough to find out about it.
Intermittenly. iTunes did it to me during opening. While it was opening I right clicked hide, that might be asking for trouble. I open 5 apps at once and click hide on a few while they're launching. But AIM does this when I don't do that. Sometimes it just stops responding to Hide. Haven't seen this in other apps yet. Perhaps unrelated, is that apps even Finder sometimes stop responding to certain key commands like Cmd Delete until you pull down a menu.
Photoshop will NEVER hide for me. No matter if I do the key command, option+click the icon in the dock, or select it from the menu...it won't do it. It angers me greatly.
Thank you for your time.
Back to your lives people.
P.s. Illustrator has stopped loading altogether, time to fsck this thing up! 8)
I'll match your won't hide and raise you a key commands stop working. Sometimes in apps...I think it's normally just safari but sometimes others, I won't be able to do command q or command w or anything like that. The mouse still works, and if I recall correctly I can still type in windows (maybe, not sure don't remember) but it's very frustrating. I normally just have to switch apps and it works again.
Photoshop will NEVER hide for me. No matter if I do the key command, option+click the icon in the dock, or select it from the menu...it won't do it. It angers me greatly.
Thank you for your time.
Back to your lives people.
P.s. Illustrator has stopped loading altogether, time to fsck this thing up! 8)
I believe photoshop [is one of the few programs] that use non-standard keys for hiding. It's not command + H, it's command + option + H.
I don't know why this is, and it bugs me because it's the only program I use that does this [that i know of] and I hate having to remember different commands to hide this.
Oh and sometimes the left mouse button won't work! I've only seen this in AIM after clicking "Get Info". I actually think it's an AIM problem, as that's one of the crappiest apps ever written. The "Info" key is stuck down, in the depressed position, but you can still right click. HOWEVER, that is only on the mouse, the trackpad button will still respond. Weirdness.
I saw that happen once, and it was with iTunes. I thought the computer had crashed, but then I realized iTunes was still playing stuff. I don't remember if cmd-q worked or if I had to the menu.
Originally posted by Aquatic
Sometimes it just stops responding to Hide. Haven't seen this in other apps yet.
I've seen this in Xcode, Safari and Photoshop. I have a gut feeling that Window Manager is sometimes wrong about which app is the frontmost.
It's definitely hard to reproduce.
Thank you for your time.
Back to your lives people.
P.s. Illustrator has stopped loading altogether, time to fsck this thing up! 8)
Originally posted by costique
I've seen this in Xcode, Safari and Photoshop. I have a gut feeling that Window Manager is sometimes wrong about which app is the frontmost.
It's definitely hard to reproduce.
That's true about the frontmost. Safari sometimes forgets to put the active window frontmost.
Originally posted by PB
This is a Jaguar bug too. I would say rather rare and hard to reproduce.
doesn't seem too rare in Panther...
Originally posted by mattjohndrow
doesn't seem too rare in Panther...
I use Panther all day at university and at work and have never seen this. So, yeah, it must be rare.
Originally posted by DMBand0026
Photoshop will NEVER hide for me. No matter if I do the key command, option+click the icon in the dock, or select it from the menu...it won't do it. It angers me greatly.
Thank you for your time.
Back to your lives people.
P.s. Illustrator has stopped loading altogether, time to fsck this thing up! 8)
I believe photoshop [is one of the few programs] that use non-standard keys for hiding. It's not command + H, it's command + option + H.
I don't know why this is, and it bugs me because it's the only program I use that does this [that i know of] and I hate having to remember different commands to hide this.
Originally posted by Aquatic
You can tell Photoshop to use "System Keys" in prefs to fix that.
And it is rare. But this rare occurrence sure is annoying
Originally posted by Brad
I use Panther all day at university and at work and have never seen this. So, yeah, it must be rare.
i use panther all day and it happens alot...maybe i'm just special!
Originally posted by Wayne Lau
Happens to me a fair bit as well when i hide multiple apps... and I thought it was just me...
you are not alone