trick to help imagine tablet...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Whilst trying to view a PDF document as large as possible on my ibook I found that you can rotate the page with preview... then I couldn't help but pick up my ibook and hold it like a "book" and read the PDF.

With a little imagination you can get the idea of what it would be like to have an Apple tablet...

Give it a try, its kind of neat and you can see that a tablet is not such a bad idea if it was done right. Being able to view a whole page on a 12" screen (and readable too) has made me wonder if I shouldn't start looking around at tablets, I have to refer to PDFs for work frequently and having all of them stored on a tablet would be great. I already store them on my ibook but its too hard to "flip" through pages and I usually have to search for whatever it is Im looking for and read just that section.

Anyway, give it a go... it only takes a second.
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